wiebke (veep-kuh) profile picture

wiebke (veep-kuh)

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hola, me llamo Wiebke, actually pronounced "Veep-kuh". I like to randomly speak in Spanish, i might speak German to you when im drunk and I'll definately always speak English when i can.i miss ukiah. hella.

In 05/06 I spent a year in Ukiah, CA as a Rotary exchange student. Ukiah might be small and quiet, but the people make the place great.
I cant believe how fast the year has been gone and I cant wait to come back n visit my 707 crew

Berlin (Germany)


My Blog


Why is it, that everytim i go on myspace bein all like "aaw, wanna go back" the OC California Song is playin so that i get fuckin homesick ?!
Posted by on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 23:17:00 GMT

it always happens, and it always will

I don't know why I always let myself fall for people who break my heart.It is like a sickness.This feelin' that makes you  happy and lets you crash into a wall the next second.'cause you can...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 23:20:00 GMT

Verwirrte Personen am Horizont

Wir waren die Helden ihrer Zeit.Als die Sonne unterging, konnten sie unseren Fussspuren nicht mehr folgen. Und da gaben sie verzweifelt auf.Ihr Spuren verlaufen sich im Sand. Ich hab Heimweh.
Posted by on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 22:11:00 GMT