Mark Lewis Band profile picture

Mark Lewis Band

About Me

Thanks for checking out the site , I'm a singer , songwriter,musician living here in Las vegas, I love God, music, my family,,people, great food , an yes.... the UFC,I'm currently the Worship & Arts director at an incredible church here in Las vegas ..Crossroads Community Church! come and check us out every sunday at 9am and 11am IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! it's a great place to belong......especially if your not a"church" kinda person! Great music, great people, it's a great place! WWW.CROSSROADSWEB.ORGIn a few months I'll have a brand new CD out and on the site I hope for now you like some of the old stuff..........hang in there the new is comming!!START code in Bio ! !START Style Block For Hiding Elements on Band Page! MySpace Band Page Div Overlay/Layout Hide Everything MySpace music Player Skins standard and Band Code Author: Eileen PLEASE keep the above credits they will NOT show up on your visible page !End code in Bio !!-Display Comments-! !-END Display Comments-!!-Display Friends-! !-END Display Friends-!START Block to Put Comments in Div

My Interests


Member Since: 29/11/2007
Band Members: !!! Start Code To Apply Top Banner !!!! Custom top banner code by Eileen!!! End Code To Apply Top Banner !!!
Influences: Good Music!!!! All Kinds!Over the years my interests and influences have grown and changed ...but here are a few that will always have an impact on me.......Black Crowes, Alter Bridge, Eric Clapton, Chris Tomlin, Paul Oakley, Lincoln Brewster, The Wallflowers, John Mayer, Goo Goo Dolls, Joe Bonammassa, Doyle Bramhall, Stevie ray Vaughn, B.B. King, Willie Nelson, Keith Urban, Bon Jovi, Johnny Lang, Kenny Wayne Sheppherd, Lenny Kravitz, Amanda Marshall, Colin James, Van Halen ...the list can keep on going...really great music........that moves me!!--START CODE IN Influences --! !-Start Div Overlay Content Block-! myspace code tutorials by Eileen !-Close 3 layers of cell/row/table. This puts our Div ONE table deep. !-Create and size our div. We will never close this div. It will close when the containing table closes-! !!! MODIFY width to the SAME width as your core (core image or core content) !!! !!! IF you know the exact height of your content you can change height:auto to a specific px height. If you are not Sure, then leave it set to auto !!! when DONE editing CHANGE the border:2px to border:0px or change the magenta to the color you want your border.----! !----START CUSTOM CONTENT----! !-START COMMENT FORM-!: !-END COMMENT FORM-!:!Start style block to style Comment Form!: !END style block to style Comment Form!: !----END CUSTOM CONTENT ----!!-Open 3 layers of table/row/cell-! !-IF do NOT want any content from my Right side, I can use i instead of L1. However the music player is logically in this space-!
!-The below class i hides the remainder of the general table-!

END CODE IN Influences
Sounds Like: !-Start Custom Code in Sounds Like-!:!-START code for custom text section-!:

Born and raised in Western Canada, Mark has always had a contagious passion for the Lord and a gift for the creative arts. Serving in full time ministry since1988, Mark has been able to express that energy through music and song.

In early 2002 Mark released his first CD, “Shake this Place” which received critical acclaim and a nomination for Rock Alternative Album of the Year at the Canadian Christian Music “Vibe” awards.

In 2004, he released a five song Ep titled “Amazing” showing his versatile and eclectic music style.

Recently released “Never Be the Same” is a collection of rock influenced worship songs that stir up an energy and hunger to experience God in a deeper way.

Mark and his wife Carrie along with their two children, serve at Crossroads Community Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mark is currently the pastor of Worship & Arts/ Ministry Development.

!CLOSE Text Div!:

!-END Custom Code in Sounds Like-!: !----MUSIC PLAYER----!
Record Label: Roundandbald Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

new CD "never be the same"

Thanks everyone for all your support in spreading the word about the new Cd! keep it up........your help in getting these songs out there is awesome!!!!!!  I couldn't do it without you!
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 13:49:00 GMT