I love to create fast-paced stories full of suspense and puzzles and ideas and characters that make you stop and think long after you've finished the book. Love, Hate, and Ideas---philosophy, religion, psychology--these are the great motivators, the chief drivers of events in history and today. With fiction those ideas come to life in the passion and struggles of the characters and the twists and turns of the story.
My writing explores 'women's issues', the nature of good and evil, heroism...questions like this: what is it exactly that caused strangers to stop to help strangers in the collapsing WTC Towers on 9/11 when every second counted? When no one would have known if they'd walked on; when there was absolutely no personal advantage to stopping and they could have saved themselves instead?
Or...how does a shimmering love fake out our judgment? How does power corrupt...and hate and revenge?
Does a moral compass exist for us--do good and evil exist outside our 'selves'?
And what happens after death--is there something more, something that endures?
But don't panic--these questions are universal themes that touch all of our lives, and in my fiction they are raised through the story that I hope you won't be able to put down, and the characters that I think you'll come to love...or hate.
I write with a worldview of my own, I admit it, but there's no imposition on the reader. No preaching, no judgment, no testimonials. Nevertheless, our worldviews, our belief systems, make us what we are. I'd love to hear your views on some of the questions that I'm raising. There seems to be a huge disconnect today between the belief systems of ordinary people like us and those of opinion leaders who control communication in this country. So I hope my writing will spark an uncommon dialogue about this paradox, and about how power, entertainment, celebrity glitz, and sometimes personal charisma, can confuse, mislead, and undermine the values that made this country great.
My first novel, Walk Back The Cat, is the tense story of a powerful Archbishop driven by revenge, while in parallel time centuries before, a young girl is determined to stop him. Shifting time and space they're linked by the secret of the Shroud of Turin, the purported burial cloth of Jesus...and by something more. You'll find the most up-to-date information on the Shroud in this book. Regardless of your religious or non-religious beliefs, this artifact is fascinating. Science today has no explanation for the image of the crucified man on the cloth.
The Moon In The Mango Tree is my second novel and it will be available everywhere this spring, on May 1, 2008. But you can preorder it now in bookstores and from on-line booksellers. This book is close to my heart because it's based upon the true story of my grandmother's life in the 1920's in the Far East and Europe. She was dazzling--beautiful, smart, a suffragette, a jazz baby. You'll see a picture of her on this page. This is a tale of a deep, enduring love, and a search for faith and adventure. I had the fortune to grow up with my grandmother, but didn't realized until she'd passed on and I found her letters and journals that in her youth she was a free spirit--a woman torn between a fierce desire for a musical career, the new independence that the glittering twenties now offered to women--and her love for her husband. All those years ago she faced the question that many women still face today: Can we have it all? Or do we have to choose. But...if you choose between two things you love, must one be forever lost?
Faith On Trial, a non-fiction book, is for those who want to believe in Christianity, but just can't quite get there. I was agnostic for most of my adult life, even though I wanted to believe. But the heart can't accept what the mind rejects. I needed a rational foundation for belief, like doubting Thomas. Finally I decided to research the non-biblical evidence available today--archeology, science, even medical evidence, and contemporaneous historical writings--to see if the claims of the four Gospels could be supported. In Faith On Trial, each piece of evidence is linked to the next one to create a chain of proof, just as this is done in a trial. In this book, the reader is the jury. YOU decide.
(Okay, I'll stop. I told you lawyers love words) For more info on my writing, books out and books to come, visit my web site at www.pamelaewen.com. Thanks for visiting me in my space. Let's talk! Pamela
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