Member Since: 11/29/2007
Band Website: COMING SOON!
Band Members:
MANAGEMENT: Alex McCann - [email protected] - 07806774279
Influences: All of Toms Ex-Girlfriends (Y)
Kings Of Leon
The Kooks
The Beatles
The Maine
El Policia
The Killers
Arctic Monkeys
The Shotters
Jades Trick
Sounds Like: Indie / Pop Songs , We (L) To Make You Smile ...
Summer Is On The Way .. Its Time To Get A Bit Of Mandigans on Your Ipods
As performers they certainly do not play like an average kids’ band. The Mandigans kept it together as a unit, never once falling out of time or showing any signs of struggle. Their music sounds like the catchy indie pop songs that you will strife to keep off your mind. They were most impressive for their age and experience, and have a great chance of going far.- Will Slater
( See Full Review . )
Once in a while a band comes a long that are truly special and the Mandigans are one of those bands. The Mandigans are a band who tick all the boxes - catchy mature pop songs, riotous live shows, two brothers and an undeniably charismatic frontman.
- Alex McCann Designer Magazine ( See Full Review .)
Record Label: Flint Studios