ღ♥Zackaryღ♥ profile picture


So, here I am, all by myself, thinking of you - no one else. There's a feeling inside and as hard as

About Me

Hi! I've heard some great things about this site so I thought I'd give it a try...I'm the guy-next-door with a fun-loving and playful personality who likes to live life and have fun. I enjoy getting dressed up and having nights out on the town as well as staying in to watch a movie with a cozy blanket. But I'm very focussed on my career and also believe in setting and working hard towards my goals.As I'm a driven, passionate and ambitious person, I'm looking for these same qualities - someone with a good heart, a good head on their shoulders and who knows what they want in life! If you also have the following qualities going for you, all the better:- A cute / goodlooking girl with gorgeous eyes & a great smile - Someone who sees the glass as half FULL!!! I prefer to surround myself with optimistic, happy and healthy people. - Finally, I hope this isn't too much to ask but if you're a loyal, honest and genuine person who likes to laugh and has a passion for life, you and I will get along GREAT!Feel free to drop me a line and say hello, otherwise happy Myspaceing... :)

****UPDATE: If you wish to message me: Please include a photo of yourself because I've got mine posted - it is only fair! Thank you for the warm responses, but I cannot possibly respond to all of you who do not have photos posted!Well, what can I say, I'm new to this site. Actually a friend of mine recommended that I try it, so I thought to myself - what have I got to lose?So here I go...I'm the guy-next-door who likes to have fun and live life. I'm looking for someone who is my counterpart - whether that be street smarts or book smarts, or a combination of the two. I'd like to meet someone who will challenge me, and bring out the best in me. Someone who will be my best friend. As a matter of fact, friends of mine are surprised that I'm still single - they believe I'm a great catch....so, if you think you're someone who has:-brains -a great personality (having a great humour is always a plus) -love for family -a solid career/career goals -loves to travel/wishes to travel in the future -optimistic outlook on life (pessimists need not apply!!) -good looks and access to private jet (okay, I was kidding about the jet...but a guy can dream can't he?)...then drop me a line, I'd love to hear from you.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet that girl that will... • give me one of her t-shirts to sleep in. • leave me cute texts. • kiss me in front of her friends. • tell me I look handsome. ONLY if he means it. • look into my eyes when you talk to me. • let me mess with her hair. • touch my hair. • just walk around with me. • FORGIVE me for my MISTAKES. • look at me like I'm the only guy you see. • tickle me even when I say stop. • hold my hand when shes around her friends. • when I start swearing at her, tell me she loves me. • let me fall asleep in her arms. • get me mad, then kiss me. • stay on the phone with me even if I'm not saying anything. • tease me and let me tease her back. • stay up all night with me when I'm sick. • watch my favorite movie with me. • give me the world. • let me have something of hers. • when im sad, hang out with me. • let me know im important. • kiss me in the pouring rain. • when you fall in love with me, tell me. • and when she tells me, love me like shes never loved someone before.Getting You HomeBEER OR GASOLINE VIDEO

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My Blog


How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you wi...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 03:53:00 GMT

Great Words To Live By!

Sweet words are easy to say, Sweet things are easy 2 buy, But sweet people are difficult to find!  Life ends when U stop dreaming, Hope ends when U stop believing, Love ends when U stop caring, Friend...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 03:49:00 GMT

looking for the perfect woman

all I want is for one girl to prove to me there not all the same. I'm looking for a girl to treat me like I'm not like every other guy cause I'm not. I know theres a great girl out there somewher...
Posted by on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 21:18:00 GMT

GirlFriend Application!!

Basics:Name:Age:Location:Height:Hair (color and style):Eyes:Piercings/tattoos:OTHER:1. Where would we go on dates?2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists?3. Do you drink/smoke??4. Do you like ...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 00:44:00 GMT

What I Think Love Is All About

Some say it's mysterious, magical, complex, difficult, imaginary, thought-provoking, inspirational, intuitional, joyous, immeasurable, ecstasy, and undefinable. PerhapsLove is patient, love is kind. I...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 11:12:00 GMT

Spirituality vs Religion

It's so true  I borrowed it from my very good friend Jade who borrowed it from her friend Heidi.   SPIRITUALITY versus RELIGION Spirituality says that God is within us, and that we...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 12:36:00 GMT