I think my Apartent is alive profile picture

I think my Apartent is alive


About Me

Myspace Layouts doNt TelL Me the SkY's thE liMiT wHen TheRe's FooTpRinTs on The MoOn!!! ** Random Facts ** * I go to Temple University * Kinesiology major * I love Oreos * I have a bad temper * I love to sleep * I love bright colors * I am dying to go home and get a chicken box and a half & half * Philly is boring as hell * The club music played in Philly clubs came out when I was in elementary school * People in Philly are so corny * I realy thought Chicken of the Sea was chicken until Jessica Simpson said something *Southern belle at heart.. Memphis, Tennessee... dont sleep on it *My favorite snack is french fries with old bay seasoning (preferably from boardwalk fries) dipped in soft served vanilla ice cream... its not as nasty as it sounds.. Umm umm good * I love butterflies and frogs *My right foot is soo much bigger than my left *My girls are my anti-drug... COURTNEY,...WHITNEY ,... Temi & ...Krystle ♥ !!!!!!! *My 'apartment' is probably smaller than your closet *I think marching bands are cool *I have 43 moles on my face ...(as of Nov. 5, 06...I count them when Im bored)... that look like freckles *I love "Katie, Kara, and Sarah"....lol @ Mike.... "Melvin" too *I parked under a tree on Cecil B. and it looks like someone threw chocolate milk all over my car and I refuse to go clean it...and its a white car *.... umm I think thats it
~*~*~*~*~*~*~ITS JUST A WiN - WIN SITUATION~*~*~*~*~*~*~
...And as for us PHAT (pretty hot and thick) gyrls... "we may jiggle just a 'lil but we definetly dont waddle" -Monique
Ultimate Survey (377 questions long)
time started: 9:38
full name: shon williams
nickname(s): shon
birthday: 10.29
where were you born: baltimore city
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: 5'4''
weight: 150
hair color: brown
eye color: brown
shoe size: 7
ring size: 6 3/4
skin type (freckles, tan, albino, etc.): light brown
blood type: i mean damn
grade: college sophomore
GPA: 2.67
siblings: 2
tattoos: 0
piercings: 4
hobbies: sleeping
color: orange and green
food: greasy foods
candy: peanut chews
type of cheese: american
pizza topping: pepperoni
salad dressing: romano
sandwich: peanut butter
cereal: cinnamon toast crunch
fruit: cantelope
vegetable: broccoli
berry: none
cake: pound
book: dictionary
movie: the color purple
magazine: tv guide
newspaper: noneo
tv show: martin
website: facebook...myspace
radio station: 95.9 ....oldies
font: bangle
cartoon character: jerry from tom and jerry
artist (painter): none
actor: martin lawrence...or will smith
actress: phylicia rashad and alfre woodard
cd: i duno
song: before i let u go
music group: none
music type: oldies but goodies
day of the week: frriday
month: october
season: fall
holiday: last day of skool
shampoo: suave
conditioner: suave
number: 7
phrase: "whatever"
store: h&m
weather: cool
restaurant: mcdonalds
channel: disney
teacher: mr.larimore
weekend activity: drink
hangout: my room is the hangout spot
house color: some shade of green
sport to watch: football... but for the halftime show
sport to play: band
animal: monkey
flower: none... i hate flowers
guy's name: none
girl's name: shon
board game: candy land
party game: spin the bottle.......lol
story from childhood: i believed in the teenage mutant ninja turtles .... and thought smurfs really lived in mushrooms
body part: all of me
have you ever
been on a train: yup...long trip to memphis
been on a plane: yup....lots
been in a car accident: yes
caused a car accident: yeah... down on roosevelt blvd....haha, philly streets confuse me
run into a wall: yup
burned a potato chip: no
almost burned the house down: no
smoked: no
been drunk: yes
been high: no
broken the law: yes
burned a cd (if yes, the one above is yes): yes
kissed someone of the opposite sex: yes
kissed someone of the same sex: yes
frenched an animal: no
made out: yes
had cyber sex: no
gotten engaged: no
had an online relationship: no
been rejected by a crush: yes
loved: yes
made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yes
cried in public: yes
cried over a movie: no
fallen asleep in a movie theater: all the time
given someone a bath: no
been to a boarding school: no
been home-schooled: no
lost a valuable item: no
bungee jumped: no
skied: no
met the president: no
met a celebrity: yes
gotten a cavity: no
shopped at abercrombie & fitch: nope... that stores 4 skinny ppl
made a prank call: yes
skipped school: yes
faked sick to get out of school: yes
purchased something that you knew didn't fit: yes
climbed a tree: no
fallen from a tree: no
broken a bone: no
sprained anything: yes, lots of times
passed out: yes
made yourself pass out: no
been to disney world: yes like 7x
been to a theme park (not disney): all the time
said i love you and meant it (not to a relative): yes
made a model volcano (working model): no
made a clover leaf with your tounge: no
what did you do yesterday: went to class
memory you miss the most: high skool
memory you want to forget: i duno
something you regretted after it was done: talking to mich
the last
song you heard: save room
cd you bought: india arie
thing you said: dont rememeber
time you cried: yesterday
movie seen in a theater: superman returns
thing you ate: waffle
person who called: temi
nail polish shade worn: green
time you showered: 9 this morning
person who complimented you: emily
at this moment
what are you listening to: nothing
what are you wearing: shirt and jeans
what are you thinking: how many more questions
what are you scared of most: bugs
how many people are on your buddy list: llike 80
occupation: physical therapist
marriage site: we'll see when we get there
honeymoon: we'll see when we get there
place to live: in a house
kids: we'll see when we get there
car: one i cant afford
what are you doing tomorrow: i dunno
do you think george bush will be reelected: i hope not
will there be a wwIII: if he stays president, yes
will politics ever be truthful: nope
will humanity snuff itself out: probably
can the gov. be changed: someday mayb
best friend: courtney, whitney , temi
funniest: temi
silliest: temi
loudest: whitney
quietest: i wish i had a quiet friend
craziest: courtney
calmest: duno
skinniest: danielle
best secret keeper: couurtney
worst secret keeper: hmmmm
the one you have but don't want: then that means they r not my friend
smartest: they all smart in their own way
preppiest: derrick
peppiest: duno...temi????
most hyper: whitney
hottest: haha
weirdest: courtney
biggest pervert: duno
most annyoing: hey!!!
shyest: duno
most religious: tiara
do you believe in
heaven: yes
hell: no
angels: kina
devil: no
god: yes
buddha: no
aliens: no
ghosts: no
spirit (soul): kinda
soulmates: kinda
reincarnation: no
love at first sight: no
karma: kinda
love in general: yes
luck: no
yourself: yes
who and when was your first crush: gary ~ elementary school
any now: no
a celebrity crush: no
who do you want to be with right now: good question
whos number do you want: my RA's
who do you want to kiss: not him anymore
what is something you dont understand about the opposite sex: everything
if you could go on a date with anybody, who would it be: ... i duno cuz im reevealuating him
on scale of one to ten, how romantic are you: 3
first thing noticed about the opposite sex: face
what do you look for personality-wise: humor
biggest turn on: humor
biggest turn off: smokers
something thay weat that turns you on: shirts with buttons
something they wear that turns you off: busted tennis
the most romantic thing you want to happen to you: duno
the most romantic thing that has happened to you: ... and his song
what do you wear on a coffee date: something from h&m
is it right to flirt if you're taken: hmmm.... not really
is cyber cheating: yes
are eyes the passegeway to the soul: i guess.. i duno
who would you like to take to the prom: my prom days r over
do you want to hug somebody right now: yes
do you know what an aphrodisiac is: yes
mellow: calm
melancholy: calm
the perfect date: in the bed
the perfect mate: in my bed
how m&m's are made: i duno
why manhole covers are round: wtf
one or the other
coke/pepsi: pepsi
sprite/7-up: sprite
boxers/briefs: briefs
gold/silver: silver
vanilla/chocolate: vanilla
flowers/candy: candy
book/magazine: magazine
tv/radio: tv
glass half empty/half full: whats the difference
democrat/republican: democrat
colored pencils/markers: pencils
coffee/tea: tea
sun/moon: moon
day/night: night
hot/cold: cold
dog/cat: dog
button/zipper: button
cotton/feather pillow: cotton
blue/purple: purple
plumber/trashman: plumber
jeans/shorts: jeans
long distance relationship/none: none
mechanical/regular pencil: regular
matt/ben: neither
that 70's show/simpsons: neither
kelso/eric: who?
donna/jackie: ???
bart/lisa: lisa
romeo/juliet: romeo
romantic comedy/thriller: thriller
nsync/bsb: nsync
peanut butter/jelly: pb
waffles/pancakes: waffles
letter/email: email
florida/california: calii
pizza/burgers: pizza
hat/visor: hat
football/rugby: football
iceskating/blading: blading
movie at home/in theater: home
first thing you think of when you hear
yellow: sun
red lipstick: eww
socks: white?
cowtipping: what???
moulin rouge: christina aguilera
greenland: cold???
iceland: cold???
harry potter: book
red: oooooaaahhhhhhhh
blackberry: expensive
rose: makes me sneeze
rooster: noise
taxes: bite me
bill clinton: my homie
whipped cream: yuck
george w. bush: ass hole
lollipops: charm....oral sex 101
dreams: zzzzzzzz
love: mushy
guys: cute
south park: bad cartoon
boy bands: wack
pengiuns: disney movies
girls: hot
thong: annoying
death: surprise me
spoons: ice cream
junk mail: leave me alone
dairy: shhhh... never had one
panties: black
your father: cool dude
pizza: pepperoni
britney spears: whole nother story
vitamin: flintsones
are you
happy: no
sad: no
religious: kinda
bitchy: sometimes
crazy: yes
messy: no
mad: no
slacker: no
nerd: no
bookworm: no
jock: no
preppy: no
selfish: no
giving: yes
obsessive: no
violent: yes`
calm: yes
peaceful: yes
mellow: yes
eccentric: kinda
caring: yes
untrustworthy: no
loyal: yes
patriotic: no
perverted: no
colorful: no
artistic: no
what color is your jacket: black
do you shave: yes
where: in my bathroom
what color is your razor: pink
what size is your bed: queen
what color crayon would you be: green
what are the last four digits of you phone number: 6998
feelings on abortion: hateit
how lond does it take you to shower: like 20 minutes
what does your screenname mean: 3 letters of my first name 3 of my last
thoughts on blonde pop stars in general: not a prob wit me
who so you trust the most: me
is cussing a necessity in life: yes
how about coffee: dont like it
is the world screwed: yes
what something you cant live without: cell
what time did you fall asleep: 3
know what 69 means: oh yeah
how about 143: no
can you live without a microwave: no
what do think about death: surprise me
where and when do you want to be married: we'll see when we get there
do you want to drop out of school: at times
why is the sky blue: cuz it looks better than a gray sky
what is a good trait about yourself: im funny
what do you always think about: sex
what is wrong with your school: its boring....socially
what is right with your school: academics
how do you react to change: hate it
do you talk to yourself: yes
what is your opinion on love: just wrap it up
can you afford to lose weight: no
what color would you dye your hair: black
best thing anyones told you: cant remember
what is your reaction to someone telling you you're hot: flirt back
does being psycho appeal to you: no
if you wrote a book, what would it be about: sex
what would you change your name to: nothing
longest crush lasted how long: 3 months
tme finished: 10:!0
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[A is for age:] 19
[B is for beer of choice:] i dont drink beer
[C is for career:] Kinesiology- PT field
[D is for favorite Drink:] Orange soda
[E is for essential item you use everyday] soap
[F is for favorite song at the moment:] Against the World
[G is for favorite games:] Phase 10 & Hide n Seek
[H is for hometown:] BALTIMORE (Bmore than Careful)..my fam is from Memphis tho
[I is for instruments you play:] Clarinet... and Im damn good too ...CITY FOREVER
[J is for favorite juice?:] Apple Juice
[K is for kids?:] Dont have any
[L is for last kiss?:] shhhhhh
[M is for marriage:] i cant wake up to the same person everyday
[N is for favorite number:] 7
[O is for overnight hospital stays:] 0
[P is for phobias:] reptiles
[Q is for quote:] "why is 6 afraid of 7...because 7 8 9"
[R is for biggest regret:] I shoulda took up Mr. Newsons' offer and went to Howard...a blacker skool in general
[S is for self confidence:]I got tons
[T is for time you wake up:] Weekdays, 10:00
[U is for color underwear:] black and turquosie
[V is for vegetable you love:] broccoli
[W is for worst habit:] Biting Nails..I know..eww
[X is for x-rays you've had:] 0
[Y is for yummy food you make:] I cant anything except cereal
[Z is for zodiac sign :] Scorpio
Sex Preference
Top or Bottom both
Morning or Night night
Lights on or off off
Touching or kissing kissing
Giver or Reciever reciever
Nice & slow or Rough & fast rough & fast
Bitting or Kissing biting
Scratching or tickling Scratchin
Grabbing or caressing grabbing
loud or quite loud
Drunk or Sober drunk
Outside or Inside inside
Standing up or laying down Standin
Pain or Pleasure pain
A Break or straight Straight
Under or on top of the covers under
Clothes on or off wat??? off
Good or Bad
Foreplay oh yess
Whipped Cream no
Fudge can we say monostat
One night stand oh yes
Booty calls yup
pillow bitting most def.
Long toe nails oh helllll no
Sex toys no need
Ashy elbows hell no
Soft Skin Definitely
Music of course

My Interests

This is where it started


I ♥ these guys!!!!

My Blog


Okay so here's my story.Temple is a fuckin mess. People get in school and forget their hometraining. First I got whites getting a lil too comfortable with calling people the "N" word... I dont even us...
Posted by Aerdnohs :: ♥ :: KKS on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 07:40:00 PST