i qo by 1unO namee - Mz.Ashley[F]laydee . i have nO alter eqo. this is me frOm sunset tO sunrisee. bOrn in new Orleansz On feb 28 th && iM Old enuff 2 by my Own bluntsz. layiN my head dOwn iN miSSiSSiPpi but -*miAmi-dade cOunty wiLl alwaysz have my ♥* iM cOcky , cOnfiDent && cOnceiTed && iF yu dOnt liKe iT i dOnt caRe. iM me - the best thiNq walkiN. thatsz nOt OpiNiOn - i Only state factsz. iM the reason biTchesz yell 'fck her.' i used tO be thee sweetest qiRl but nOw iM liKe thee fckiN sour patch biTchesz -sOur az hell. ask mee iF i qiVe a fiNqer iN thee miDdle. i bett i say um nO. i dO shyt fOr my Own satiStiFactiOn && tO put a smiLe On my face. yur OpiNiOn iSnt reQuiRed nOr needed. iM post anqer manaqement. i try && lauqh at hOezs nOw liKe ha ha ha but sOmetiMesz they cROsS thee liNe && i relapse. but hey shiT happensz. sO ive been tOld my heartsz madee of stOne. i thiNk iTsz allerqic tO that stiCky shiT On band-aidsz but eiTher way i have madee a vOw never tO qet hurt aqaiN - but theN aqaiN hasnt everybOdy? many peOple dOnt understand why i qO thrOuqh the shiT i qO thrOugh but shiT iM hard-headed && stubbOrn. && plusz i learn better thrOuqh experiEncesz. iD rather fall On my face then liVe liFe wiTh reqretsz. i lauqh liKe iTsz my last breath && i cheRiSh every mOment. i cOuldnt liVe wiTOut OreOsz , cheezy puffsz , fruiT punch && alcOhOl. i Only fck wiTh the mOst eliTE. i Can murder yu wiTh juSz my wOrdsz. try mee && POOF! yu wiLL me qOne jusz liKe that. iVe learned tO expect the least out Of peOple yu shOuld expect the mOst frOm. when yur expectatiOnsz are lOw yOu dOnt hiT the qround hard enOuqh tO hurt. i trust nObOdy but myself. in fact i expect everyOne arOund me tO faiL. call me stupiD but i call iT smart. i knOw thee qame cusz i played iT very well. but qamesz aree fOr thOse kiDsz stiLl chasiN that siLly rabbiT. my past iS my iNspiRatiOn && the reasOn fOr the smiLe i have On my face. i miTe nOt be the lOud qhettO chiCk iN the rOOm but i wiLl be nOtiCed. UniQue cant tOuch me && OriqiNaliTy iZs beneath me. i am Mz.Ashley[F]Laydee. - i cannOt be labeled Or descriBed. im me && thatsz the Only thiNq i want tO be. the type Of qiRl yu briNq hOme 2 thee madre , the One yu Open up tO liKe thee paqesz iN a diAry. iM siMple iN a cOmpliCated sOrt Of way. && yu WOuldnt last twO secOndsz iN my shOesz && iF yu attempted yu wuld fall. iM sOmethiNq yu wiLl reqret lOOsiN - jus ask thee exes - && thatsz my wOrd. my past miTe nOt have been perfect but my future wiLl bee clOse. i wiLl be sOmeOne - nah scratch that - i Am sOmeOne && yu wiLl heaR abOut me.
--watch && liSten.
♥мє && тнєє sìs.♥
тнÑÏƒÏ…É Ð½ тнє É ÏƒÏƒd тìмєs && тнє вαd σиєs
á½ Ð½Ñ”Ñ‚Ð½Ñ”Ñ Ã¬ ℓσsÑ” ÏƒÑ Ã¬Æ’ ì ὠìи
ì κиσὠσиє Ñ‚Ð½Ã¬Ð¸É Ñ‚Ð½Î±Ñ‚ Ð¸Ñ”áˆ…Ñ”Ñ cÐ½Î±Ð¸É Ñ”s
&& тнαт's γσυ αs мγ вєsÑ‚ Æ’Ñìєиᗪ
⇓callin them 'friends' wuld be a [understatement.]⇓
⌈¯¯video of the week.¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Thee Blogsz&& she addicted to the liqhts.
↓ for those nosy bitches, yur welcome↓