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Humdinger Records

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Distro Info (as of 12/4/09)
Humdinger releases still available:
HUM-007: Peter Stubb- Southern Suicide extended re-release (cassette, $4)
HUM-006: Princess Thunderstorm- Maneater (7", $4)
HUM-005: Kakistocracy/Nux Vomica- s/t (7”, $4)
HUM-004: Kakistocracy- An Apology (7”, $4)
HUM-003: Jacuzzi Suicide- s/t (7", $4)
HUM-002: Ikkabod- Dark Angel Rock Attack (cdr-ep, $4)
Upcoming releases:
HUM-008: Flies Around It 7" (spring '10)
releases otherwise
VA- Up For Grabs ($12, E Quality)
this is a comp put together from a live recording made during a two-day festival in Holland, May of ’94. it featuresmultiple tracks from Acme, Funeral Oration, Hiatus, Seein’ Red, Rat Patrol, and Luzifers Mob.
VA- Zoro Benefit ($12, various)
a German comp from ‘98 featuring La Fraction, Lost World, Wojczech, Ebola, Re-Sisters, Fraktion, and more. Zoro is a squatin Germany that appears to still exist.
Due Tomorrow/Trash Train- 5 Deadly Venoms EP ($4, self-released)
Due Tomorrow is a fast melodic punk band with some elements of chaos. Brooklyn’s Trash Train is a (usually) fast pop-punkwith a pinch of rad guitar riffage. (note: the cover makes it seem like this is only a Trash Train record, but it is in factalso a split with Due Tomorrow. the packaging on the copies I got might be lacking some finishing touches).
Electric Damn/Princess Thunderstorm- Woodfin Confidential ($8, Family Time)
two Asheville (and Woodfin) bands. Electric Damn is fast and heavy rock & roll with sweet riffage. Princess Thunderstormpicks up where Queerwulf left off, but then started feeling stabby.
Bad Blood Revival- Tongue Twisting Tunes For Tiny Tots ($9, Dead Broke/Sweet Dreams)
formerly Bad Blood (the slight name changed happened after losing a guitarist), this band keeps blowing my mind, as areothers in the Brooklyn punk scene these days. seems a new sound is brewing up that way akin to something like taking “regionrock” and the sound of odder, grosser bands like The Jesus Lizard, Flipper, Unsane, etc. probably the most interesting scenegoing in the late 00’s.
Black Panda- Tanque De 98 Octanos ($12, Trabuc)
10 songs blister ears on this debut LP. the etching on side A reads "d-beat rock and roll". it should read "kings ofd-beat rock and roll", but maybe they're just being modest.
End Of All- The Art Of Decadence ($12, Halo Of Flies/Mundo En Kaos/Rust And Machine)
ex-Wolfpack, this album has all the kids talkin'. brutal and catchy d-beat go!
Funeral Oration- The Godsend ($12, Never Again)
originally released on cassette in ’84, this is a very early example of Holland’s Funeral Oration. some of the stuff is soblazing that it reminds of the early 80s fastcore movement. also quite a bit of Hüsker Dü influence it seems and often timeswildly melodic vocals that remind of the Eat. another somewhat forgotten great band.
Queerwulf- Preaching To the Choir ($8, Twenty Fifth Hour)
the full-length that sat around for years before finally getting the release it deserves. a very filled-out and solidoutput that reminds of their more wailing style seen around the time of their split with Sharp Knife.
RTX- Transmaniacon ($10, Drag City)
out of the ashes of Royal Trux, but more sassy and hard rockin' on this, their first LP
Peter Stubb- Selected Cuts Vol 1 ($10, Family Night)
after recording somewhere close to 100 tapes in nearly two decades, this Dalton, GA wildass finally is on a piece of wax!this is the kind of music you play around people to make them wonder what the hell is wrong with you. mostly acoustic, allwild. we have everything from “They Took It Away” (the electric version) to “My Hand Is My Whore”. you will wake up withthese songs in your head. also included: a new favourite, “Credit Card Of Evil”, discovered after the ground-breaking 4-tapebox set released a year or two ago. the first of a three-part series. the term is “outsider artist”. way better than DanielJohnston.
Standing Nudes- Ghost Story ($12, True Panther Sounds)
this NYC (by way of Oberlin, OH) group rocks some of the catchiest tunes I’ve heard in the while. poppy with a bit ofgarage and psych rock influence (even seems to be a bit of late 60s Irish beat rock influence at times). since their move toNYC (and also on this album), the bassist and drummer acquired ended up in that hipster band MGNT. this stuff is a billiontimes better than that crap.
Stupid Party- s/t ($10, Freedom School)
Brooklyn’s done it again, producing another badass punk band with so much rad shit going on. from frantic parts to seriousgrooved-out rock sessions to inspire slow headbanging with cheap beer in hand. killer to the max!
Witch Hunt- Blood Red States ($9, self-released)
their first release as a 4-piece (bringing in Vince on drums while Rob moves to guitar) and second LP, they shred throughtheir frenzy induced style of peace-punk (it’s funny how unpeaceful peace-punk feels many times).
Brevator/Team Robespierre ($8, Chrome Peeler)
almost every time I put on Brevator’s side, I forget it’s 45rpm and man…I’m kinda freaked out! then I correct the speed andmy emotions don’t seem to change. their one long track is so eerie, it would easily fit well with older horror movie scores.Team Robespierre's side differs vastly, with nine tracks that contain humorous lyrics, drum synthesizing, keyboards,high-pitched screaming, dancy parts, and occasional blastbeats. dance violence?
The Lumps/Scott Baio Army ($11, Bad People)
the Lumps side offers blastbeats and manic time changes, as well as varied styles of vocals (power violence perhaps?).Scott Baio Army thrashes the hell out of their side, but in a more-straight forward manner, including samples between songs.if I didn’t know any better, I would swear this was a Deep Six or Sound Pollution release from the late 90s.
Thank God/Tiger Shark ($6, Molsook/Perpetual Motion Machine/Tick Tock)
from the ashes of Guyana Punch Line, this band keeps on with some seriously maniacally sounding shit. this sounds like GPLminus a smidgeon of brutality, plus a bit of chaotic quirkiness, and maybe even a bit reminiscent of Racebannon at times.Richmond’s Tiger Shark are flat out brutal, playing what seems to be crust stripped down but then built back up with sometechnical and doomy parts. long live Jonny Z!!!
AK-77/Death Statistic ($4, Do Ya Hear We?)
featuring two Chattanooga bands featuring the late Andriy Kolyada, this 7” works as a tribute. AK-77 were an excellent comical oi band that’s the perfect soundtrack for skankin’ ‘round Wal-Mart to celebrate your American freedom and the Death Statistic side features low-fi black metal stylings. long live MC Ukraine!
Auktion/Black Panda ($5, Rust And Machine/Trabuc)
Auktion from Sweden has the loud rockin' d-beat style that the kids are lovin'. Black Panda does too, but adds more of ashreading in-your-face Motorhead touch (there's a mouth-harp on their side!)
Authority Abuse/Kakistocracy ($3, Anthem For A Doomed Youth)
Authority Abuse, featuring ex-Kung Fu Rick peoples, play stripped-down punk rock. the Kakistocracy side proves to theworld, for the first time, that they are more than a simple crust band comparible to Aus Rotten or Anti-Product, but way morecomplex and brutal (this release pre-dates their full-length recorded a year or two later).
Black Market Fetus/Impaler ($4, 303/Legion Productions/Night Jack)
Black Market Fetus blast out some crushing metal jams with dark lyrics. Impaler, also heavily on the metal side on thefence, but more in the vein of Joey Belladonna-era Anthrax perhaps? their lyrics ride more on a campy evil flavour. a purpledemon is impaling a mall punk on the cover. oh, you evil thang, you know you just love it!
Black Panda/Holocaust In Your Head ($5, Rust And Machine/Trabuc)
it's impressive that Black Panda found another Spanish band to do a split with that has such a balls-to-the-wall,guitar-wailin' punk rock & roll style that rivals theirs.
Black Rainbow/Hidden Spots ($3.50, Starcleaner)
two of the best bands in punk rock team up for one hell of a 7”! two tracks from each band (“Everybody Get Together” is my favourite Hidden Spots song right now). this is one of the best split releases EVER!
Catheter/Wojczech ($4, 303/Haunted Hotel)
grind grind grind! both bands are doin’ it…right to your face!
Forced March/Raiser ($5, Hormigonera/Humildad Y Honestidad/Oxigeno)
Portland's Forced March plays thrashier hardcore that I imagine has seen many fingerpoints and circle pits at their shows(as long as every rock star in Portland isn't upstairs at the keg). Spain's Raiser are also on the thrashy side, but with awilder guitar sound and screamier vocals.
Fuel/Phleg Camp ($5, Allied)
the California bay area’s Fuel has been compared to Fugazi alot and yes, there is a distinctive Repeater-era sound. thenagain, not many bands were very comparable to Fugazi’s Repeater LP around the time that album was released (which was also whenthis Fuel recording was made). Ontario’s Phleg Camp also takes a bit from Fugazi, maybe even a bit Rites Of Spring or otherDC-late 80s groups, often times very driving stuff.
Kvoteringen/Pisschrist ($5, Endless Blockades)
Life At These Speeds/Thank God ($3, Exotic Fever/Tick Tock)
Mannequin Men/Shopping ($3, Do The Math)
Revolutionary Youth/The Skuds ($4, self-released)
two fierce Georgia bands each take a side and destroy! comes in gatefold packaging…sweet!
Something's Wrong/Trouble Trouble Trouble ($3, self-released)
Something's Wrong's first vinyl release, fresh from the Crimpshrine cover band they started (no...seriously). TroubleTrouble Trouble, featuring Cindy Crabb from Astrid Oto and does the zine Doris, plays some raw, loud, snarled-up punk f'nr.
Subramanium/US Christmas ($3, self-released)
To What End?/Witch Hunt ($4, Fight For Your Mind/Final Attempt)
To What End? are one of the best bands from Sweden of the past bit, really kicking through some brutal shit that is of theblazing fast d-beat variety (featuring members from Wolfbrigade and some other notable bands that escape me). Witch Hunt fromPhilly kill it again, starting to show a bit more melodic tendencies. three tracks from each band (the Witch Hunt side has aRudimentary Peni cover! oh dang).
Bad Blood ($3.50, PRDCT)
melodic and poppy, yet heavy, Brooklyn punk (probably my fav Brooklyn band goin’) with a good amount of guitarshredability.
Black Rainbow ($4, Thrillhouse)
past and present members of Miami, Allergic To Bullshit, Tulsa, Onion Flavored Rings, Los Canadians, Clorox Girls, Kreamy‘Lectric Santa, Tent City Rollers, etc. best rockin' punk band to pop up in a long, long time, and this is a kickass follow-upto their demo! also comes with a huge zine.
Brazilia- rspd ($3, Burning Fight)
Constant State Of Terror ($5, Tadpole)
political British crust, mostly in mid-tempo fashion, with vocals that remind of Econochrist
Divisions Ruin ($5, Acclaim/Contraszt/Cesspool/Humildad Y Honestidad)
emo d-beat? this stuff reminds me of later Ekkaia, but maybe better? fierce female vocals (maybe male vocals too? hard totell...that brutal!) and some seriously bitchin' riffage. there's even some old-time blastbeats, yay!
Ekkaia ($5, Stonehenge)
one of my favs from the hardcore scene of the past decade. this is a later recording from Spain’s Ekkaia that seems a bitmore thrashy than their past material (especially the earlier stuff that wasn’t at all d-beat heavy).
End Of All- Scars ($5, Deskontento)
so far, this is probably my favourite release to date by these Swedes. d-beat that excites insteads of bores (which seemsway too common).
End The Agony- From the Lungs ($5, Opiate/SuperFi/Tadpole)
De Høje Hæle- US Tour Edition ($5, self-released)
four rad tracks from this high energy Danish trio, more on the garage rock side of things. this is a second press made fortheir fall ’09 US tour, their name translated means “The High Heels”.
Mahkato- Fighting the Urge To Start Fires ($3, Init)
Princess Thunderstorm ($3.50, Suck My Fucking)
first vinyl release, mixing early Queerwulf style into a Western North Carolina angst-ridden love affair
Reagan's Bones- Reaganomics ($3, Jiica)
the band that put Woodfin on the map, again. gross, loud, obnoxious...perfect. think Dicks meets Flipper meets a hi-speedtrainwreck with a loose cannon for a train conductor.
Rock Paper Stupid ($3, Scattered Smothered & Covered)
Shopping ($3, Do The Math)
Vae Victis ($5, Endless Blockades/Spin Control)
VA- Baltimore’s Dirt and Grime ($7, Dysphoria)
features past and present Baltimore hardcore bands such as Nux Vomica, Dawn Treader, Wake Up On Fire, Plaguewielder,etc...
VA- You've Got Your Orders ($8, Chrome Peeler)
a wild one, featuring Thurston Moore (Sonic Youth), Mike Watt (Minutemen, fIREHOSE, Dos), Mark Arm (Mudhoney), Hella, AaronTurner (Isis, House Of Low Culture), Godstomper, Johnette Napolitano (Concrete Blonde), Nels Cline (Wilco), Erik Larson(Alabama Thunderpussy), Neil Fallon (Clutch), Chris Crude (Pg99), Weasal Walter (the Flying Luttenbachs), Mike Gent (theFiggs), etc...
Bizarre X/Loaded For Bear ($6, Hip Kid/On The Warpath/One Sock)
Art Of Burning Water- The Voyage Of the Pessimistic Philosoph: An Ode To Believers Of the Prevailing Law Of Sod ($10, House OfStairs/SuperFi)
Bobby Joe Ebola & The Children MacNuggits- Carmelita Sings ($8, Thrillhouse)
this band was so bizarre that Maximum RnR wouldn't review or allow advertising for their releases when SPAM first put themout. now, it's embraced a bit more (possibly because John from the Fleshies was in this band), but still gets bad reviews invarious zines due to those who just don't fucking get it. this band was genius, and there are 30+ tracks on this baby to proveit (some not on the original release). it's punk in a different light: sarcastic pop songs, folk songs, the ocasional thingthat actually does sound punk, and sometimes just flat out bizarre. also, no topic is too taboo: skin cancer, child murderers,fratboys/sorority girls, BART commuters, etc. there's even a Frank Zappa cover!
Brazilia- Phlogiston ep ($5, Human Skull Recording Collective)
Excitebike- Break Scoop Bulge Stretch Slice Add Subtract ($6, Handstand)
Facedowninshit- Shit Bloody Shit ($9, Crimes Against Humanity)
the mind-mangling demo, the face-shattering first LP, and the epic 8+ minute track from the split 10" with Cold ElectricFire (featuring possibly the best usage of violin in a hardcore song ever), all on one disc. fire it up!
La Fraction- La Vie Revee ($10, Stonehenge)
when I was on tour in Europe in 06, there were two bands I requested we tried to play with. while we got to play withneither, La Fraction was one of those bands. from France, one of the most moving straight-forward punk bands I’ve ever heard.very well-constructed catchy songs and vocals by a lady (yes, the gender does need to be pointed out, ok?) that are possiblysome of the most amazing vocals in punk rock history. this is their third full-length.
Hellshock- Shadows Of the Afterworld ($9, Crimes Against Humanity)
at a certain point, crust ends up being so brutal and well-constructed that you could just simply consider it metal.Portland's Hellshock seems to be one of these "crust" bands.
Joshua Fit For Battle- To Bring Our Own End ($7, Alone)
emo used to be brutal much of the time. this was released before Dashboard Confessional won grammies and drove the finalnail into the coffin of what was a hardcore sub-genre
King Square- First Time Third Try ($5, self-released)
Mi Amore- Crawlin' Kingsnake ($7, Cyclop)
Revolutionary Youth- s/t ($6, self-released)
Arbus- Sad & Dangerous Songs ($3, Street Trash)
Dead Animal Disco- Poison Ninja Club ($4, Hip Kid)
this disc is full of loud and pretty post-hardcore influenced jams. raw and rockin!
Hadaka Matsuri- Tour Oct 2004 demo ($3, self-released)
remastered from the original demo (audio comes out evenly through all speakers!), this is the only audio documentation ofKingsport, TN's soundtrack to maniacal panic attacks. ex-Kakistocracy, Humanicide, Jacuzzi Suicide, Illeagle, The Goddamn BlueRibbon, etc. "bring a tissue"
Soft Opening- Pistillate ($5, After Science)
really droney, really heavy stuff with a bit of the psych feel. you could say it's stoner kinda stuff, but it's a bit morecomplicated. you could say it even could remind at times of Amebix, but Jamie (guitar/vocals) hasn't even heard them yet.regardless of anything, fucking loud, fucking awesome!
The Auditors Will Be Audited The Accountants Will Be Held To Account- demo ($3, self-released)
this demo features the first six tracks these guys ever wrote...more on the post-punky hardcore end than the psuedo-bluesslutty rock & roll style they ended up embracing more (while the band has always been a mix of such elements). almost toowell-packaged and recorded to be considered a demo, honestly. probably should've been considered an EP and made intoHUM-003...oops!
Endless Bummer- demo ($3, self-released)
members of Princess Thunderstorm, Trouble Trouble Trouble, Electric Damn, etc playing catchy, melodic punk rock that Iwouldn't dare call pop-punk. too good for that, really. sometimes, they wished they sounded like a soul band. maybe morebands should wish that...
Party Grave- demo ($3, self-released)
fast galloping double-guitar punk rock with wildly melodic female vocals. does that make any sense? regardless, it’sfucking great! members of billions of various Asheville bands (like just about all Asheville bands really).
*prices do not include shipping or paypal costs (money orders also accepted)
note: while you're always welcome to try to propose a trade, it is highly unlikely that I can do trades outside of north america. the only way it will happen is if you have something I want right off, & while we may've just released two "crust" records, I, jd, am the only one involved with the label & am not really "in touch" with "the scene". my apologies for the excessive usage of quotation marks.

My Interests


Member Since: 28/11/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: bands/artists: Cheap Skate, Flies Around It, Ikkabod, Jacuzzi Suicide, Kakistocracy, Nux Vomica, Princess Thunderstorm, Peter Stubb
the people:
-JD: the man, a sucker who funds things that make no money
-B.Menace: yearly hand logo artist, insists you take yr pants off
-Matt: occasional layout & advertising helper, works in the mall
Influences: money
Sounds Like: a good time
Record Label: Humdinger
Type of Label: Indie

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