I like to hang out with friends, read books, go to the movies, and log hot bubble baths! lol good stuff! I really like my Wii too and playing GH3 on it!!!!!!
What's your favorite....
Beverage (non-alc) ? water or un sweet tea
Beverage (alc) ? ha ha pretty much any mixed drink but I absolutly love Full Throttle and Captain Morgan
Color ? Blue, Black, and Pink
Food ? umm Italian or Mexican
Item of clothing ? my jeans
Meal of the day ? lunch
Feature on yourself ? my eyes
Quality in a guy/girl ? personality
Phrase ? WE dont do that.... ha ha ha Amber knows what I'm talking about
Song ? too many to name
Musical Artist/Band ? see above
Sport ? to watch: football.... I dont really play any sports
Movie ? also too many to name but I ghuess Monty Python and the Holy Grail
TV Show ? simpsons, house, family guy, andything on food network
Radio Station ? I like my satellite radio so it would have to be Octane, Buzzsaw, Hits1, Big 80's, New Country, Blue Collar, Hip Hop Nation, Alt Nation, Hair Nation, 90's Alt, and there are others that I cant think of the name
Type of Chocolate ? milk
Eye Color ? my color
Do you/Have you ever....
Have any pets ? yes
Smoke ? used to
Drink ? yes
Have any piercings ? yes
Have any tatoos ? yes
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend no
Had sex ? yes
Gone streaking ? no
Gone skinny dipping ? no
Been to Europe ? no
Been to an island ? no
Had stitches ? yes
Broken any bones ? no
Been stabbed/shot ? no
Slept until after 12:00 ? yes
Stayed up all night ? yes
Danced like a whore ? ha ha
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? no
Turned down a dare ? yes
Which friend....
Is the funniest ? Jenna
Is the prettiest ? see above
Is the most handsom ? ummmmm not sure I would have to look at them lined up to tell you... they are all handsome to me
Is the loudest ? ha ha ummm Shanda or Amber
Is the craziest ? Amber
Is the most shy ? Jenna I guess
Is the most loving ? my Amber!!!
Is the most understanding ? Jenna
Is the most boring ? ha ha no comment
Is the richest ? not sure
Is the most athletic ? John (Jenna's fiance)
Is the most cocky ? John (Jenna's fiance)
Is the biggest sex icon ? ha ha I'd have to get back to you on that one too
Is the most wordly/cultured ? not sure
Do you look up to the most ? Jenna
Do you tell everything to ? Jenna
Has the best clothes ? Jenna (ha ha ha apparently she is the best)
Has the best house ? ummm that would tie between Jenna and Jacqui
Would you ever....
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? no
Kiss someone of the same sex ? i have a long time ago
Cheat on someone you love ? no
Run away from home ? no
Lie to your parents ? i have
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? no
Lie to your best friend ? no
Give a homeless person money ? maybe
Run from the police ? ha ha no
Bungee jump ? yeah
Sky dive ? yeah
Cross dress ? lol i have for spirit week when I was in high school... we had Opposit-Sex Day
Be an exotic dancer ? no
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? if I got horrible service and then food was really bad
Scuba dive ? yes!!!!
Go rock climbing ? probably not
Go spulunking (caving) ? see above
What do you think of when you hear....
Eminem ? I like it
Bologna ? eww
Hott ? :) who are we talking about???
Orange ? its a good juice
Real world ? dumb tv show
Fuck ? in what context???
Jack ? my uncle
Cucumber ? not something i would eat
Hip-Hop ? i like it
Uniform ? dont like them
UniCORN ! ? ha ha wish they were real
Rainbow ? pretty
Clown ? funny
I would like to meet some nice people who like to have fun and arent obnoxious. Also Johnny Depp would be really cool to meet! lol I LOVE Captain Jack Sparrow!!! ha ha ha
Your Full Name? Catherine Nicole Neprud
Do you have a nickname? Nikki, Buttfly, Catnip, Trouble, Nicholas, and I'm sure there are more but I'm not putting them
Birthdate? Sept 25
Favorite Color? Blue, Black, and Pink
Favorite Movie? Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Favorite TV Show? Simpsons, Family Guy, House, and the Food Network
Favorite Disney Character? ha ha ummmm probably Simba
Favorite Candy? dont have a fav
Jamba or Coldstone? Coldstone
What do you order from Jamba Juice? I've never been there
Favorite professional football team? dont hav a fav
Favorite professional baseball team? see above
How tall are you? about 5'4 or 5'5
How much do you weigh? not telling
What is your shoe size? 10
What color eyes do you have? they are blue, green, and gold
Who is your best guy friend? ummmm probably Tony... I hang out with him more than any other guy I know
Who is your best girl friend? ha ha thats easy... Jenna, Jacqui and Amber
Have you ever been in love? yes
Are you in love now? no
Name a hot guy/girl from your school? dont go to school
Who is the most popular guy/girl from your school? see above
Pac Sun or Anchor Blue? Pac Sun
Skater or Athlete? umm Skater
Chocolate, Vanilla, or Strawberry? Chocolate
Skittles = sour or regular? regular
Do you want your guy/girl to me romantic? yes
Have you ever been drunk? yes
Do you smoke? no
Ever been on drugs? yes
What kind of car do you want when your 16/or what kind of car do you drive now if you're over 16? an 07' Ford Fusion SE V6 AWD and its Black
Saddest memory? my mom dying
Happy memory? ummm too many
Your weakness? saying yes to things I probably shouldnt... I dont like to tell people no
Your stength? ummm not sure
2 most important physical features on a guy/girl? the eyes and the smile
2 most important character features for a guy/girl? personality and sense of humor
Are you into long relationships or just wanna have fun for awhile? long relationships
Do you want to go to college and if so, where? not sure
What pisses you off the most? ha ha dumb people
Summer or Winter? summer
Name something about yourself that most people don't know about you? ummm theres nothing really.... I am pretty open
If you won a million dollars what is the first thing you would buy? I would pay off the mortgage on my dads house and then buy a house for me in FL
If you could change something on your body what would it be? ha ha .... where to begin....
Who is your favorite actor? Johnny Depp
Who is your favorite actress? dont know
Snowski or snowboard? ummmm I never done either
Favorite holiday? Halloween
Do you like blondes, brunettes or redheads? Brunettes
If you could be someone famous who would it be? not sure
If you could have one wish come true, what would it be? wow that one I would have to seriously think about
Who/What are you thinking about when you go to bed? mostly of the following day... as for the who.... well thats for me think about and not you
Who/What are you thinking about when you wake up? see above
Who was your very first girlfriend/boyfriend? CJ I think
Who has been your favorite girlfriend/boyfriend so far in your life? ha ha ummm probably John or Richard..... they were the funniest
Do you sing in the shower? yes
Do you like to dance? not really
Have you ever been in love with two people at the same time? ummm no... I was in love with one and I really liked the other
Have you ever cheated on someone? no
Use three words to best describe you as a person? nice, laughs alot, hard headed
Do you wear boxers or briefs (guy)? N/A
Do you wear panties or thong (girl)? panties....
How do you want to die? idk
What do you want to be remembered for? being a nice person
Do you play an instrument and if you do, which one? if you don't, what would you want to play if you did? I used to play the clarinet
If you sang a song to your boy/girl, what song would you sing? idk
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? nope
Where is a place you want to go with your boy/girl?
If you could meet God today, what would you want to ask him? where is my path in life going to take me?
Describe your current mood? im okay
Do you want this survey to end? ehh..... it doesnt really matter
I absolutly love music! anything and everything! except for stuff like bluegrass and all that mess but I do like country, but mostly the newer stuff. I love rock! Rap is cool too.
I like going to the movies and watching them on tv and stuff. But I think my all time favorite movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail!!!! :) You must bring me a SHRUBBERY!!! and when you are done with that you must cut down the mightiest Oak in this forest with.... A HERRING!!!!!! ha ha ha .... Also I am a very big Harry Potter fan.... lol Ive read all the books and I have all of the movies so far....
ummm well ever since we got satellite tv I have been a real big fan of the Food Network channel.... but I still like my old favorites such as the Simpsons, family guy, and house..... I also like to watch bizzare foods with andrew zimmerman (or whatever his name is).
I love books.... I try to read a little bit every night before I go to bed. I absolutly love the Harry Potter books and have read all of them. I like to read almost anything, but if the story doesnt catch my attention by the 2nd or 3rd chapter then I cant get into the book.
This is an easy one... My mom and dad are my heroes! My mom died when I was 11 but I know she is always with me in spirit. My dad has been my rock ever since my mom died.... He has always been there for me whenever I have needed him and he has always given me the best advice (whether I want to hear it at the time or not :)) but I know I can always count on him to be there for me even if no one else will be! I love my parents very much and am thankful everyday for them!