HeaThEr profile picture


i luv u dad !!!! MuAh

About Me

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

WeLL weRe do I StArt... PeOplE wHo LikE ta ChiLL cuz u know every1 bRinGs DrAmA no MatTa whAt ThEy Say so i aint even gunna go there but..Umm Sum ScAnDaLoUs BiTchEz.. Oh i AlrEady meT thoSe hoEz..so they taught me a few thangs:)


[Marital Status] WeLL i CanT HaTe ThA pLaYeR....
[Shoe size] 8
[Parents still together] Nah..
[Siblings] YuP 3 KrAziE ones...It RunnS in tha Fam;)
[Pets] 1 pup....KaRmA
[Color] ReD
[Number] 3
[Animal] MonkiEs
[Drinks] Long IsLanDs these Dayz
[Soda] PepSi
[Book] whUt..umm
[Flower] TroPicAl
[Color your hair?] Of CourSe.. GoTta b more than JuSt ur AverAge GuRL
[Twirl your hair?] KinDa a NerVouS HaBiT
[Have tattoos?] CumIn Soon
[Have Piercings?] YaH nOze.. EaRz
[Cheat on tests/homework?] Dunn W/ SkooL
[Drink/Smoke?] DnT SmOkE well what .. LuV 2 DrAnK
[Like roller coasters?] IMmA AfRaiD of HeiGhTs
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] Of COuRse..lets see
NYC Or BostOn

[Want more piercings?] Yah.. WoRk WonT LeT Me
[Like cleaning?] NaH onLy wHeN i Have 2
[Write in cursive or print?] PrInT
[Own a web cam?] NaH
[Know how to drive?] YuP
[Own a cell phone?] FinNallY afta I lOst 3
[Ever get off the damn computer?] SumTymEs
[Been in a fist fight?] HeLL YaH

[Considered a life of crime?] OF CouRSe.. I ThoughT i FounD my MobStEr buT i Betta Keep LooKin
[Considered being a hooker?] WeLL there Was thiS onE Tyme In N.Y.....
[Lied to someone?] Yah buT nuThin Ever Crazie Bad
[Been in love?] YAh
[Made out with JUST a friend?] nAh
[Been in lust?] Of CouRse LuSt is whaT mAKes u WanT sum1 moRe
[Used someone] NaH..WeLL *4* WhAt

[Been used?] PrObLy
[Been cheated on?]
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] No
[Stolen anything?] YaH
[Held a gun] 1Nce
[Current clothing] Tee_ShUrT Wit No PanTiEs On..LoL
[Current mood] Im Aright..
[Current taste] SouP
[What you currently smell like] HeavenLy
[Current hair] Up N CuRlY
[Current thing I ought to be doing] ChiLLin gettn readY for BeD
[Current cd in stereo] JiMmy JonEs
[Last book you read] umm Dnt MemBeR
[Last movie you saw] PrImE
[Last thing you ate] QuiznOs
[Last person you talked to on the phone] StEf
[Do drugs?] YaH LonG tyme Ago
[Believe there is life on other planets?] YaH
Remember your first love?] Of Course I jusT trIeD to CaLL HiM
[Still love him/her?] no
[Read the newspaper?] YaH
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] Sum
[Believe in miracles?] YeS.. MaYbe 1 WiLL HaPpEn *4* my FaM!! i LuV u DaD
[Do well in school?] YAh i GraDuAtED
[Wear hats] YuP Ed HaRdy
[Hate yourself?] OnLY whEn i Do Stupid ShiTT....
[Have an obsession?] YAh MakE uP
[Collect anything?] MakE uP
[Have a best friend?] YaH.. TheZe 2 PeoplE HaVe My HeART!!! i mIss You HaNk!!! LuV Yah
[Close friends?] AnY1 ThAt WouLd Do WhaTeva 2 HelP me
[Like your handwriting?] Its OkAy
[Care about looks] WeLL i DOnt LikE lookiN All DuRRty
[First crush] Long Tyme Ago
[First kiss] WhO CaReS
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] I ThInK it WoUlD be PrETTY NEAT... if it Happend
[Do you believe in "the one?"] maybe.. BuT WAtCh OuT FoR thAt GaMe LaDiEz sUm FellAs GoTT iT Good
[Are you a tease?] No.. WeLL mAybe WheN im DrunK

[Too shy to make the first move?] HeLL NAH
[Daydreamer] YAh it KEePS me FroM my KrAziE LiFe
[Bitch/Asshole] WhEn I NeEd 2
[sarcastic] oF CouRse I LuV tA lAuGh
[Angel] Me... U knOw it
[Talkative] 2 thA RiGht PeoPlE

My Blog

I LuV u

My BaBy GuRL is LEaViN&. she get it frm her auntee....lol u luv u k I don't know what imma do cuz ive been there since tha day she was born, watched it n everything& We have such a special bond n I...
Posted by HeAthEr on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 07:17:00 PST