~Ashleyboo~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

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I am a young women, who is finding herself in Jesus. I have made changes and currently in the process of making more changes. I have learned some life leasons and applying them to any new decisions I make. Also Im a young women who is attending school at NC A&T. I just enjoy family and friends, and I'm trying to live life to the fullest, cause life is short and what you make it is everything. Anything else u want to know get back at me.

My Interests

Basketball, Music, Movies, Mall, or whateva there is 2 do. ya feel me

I'd like to meet:

ANy Black person bout business making money...actors rappers, singers it dont matta!!!


R&B,Rap, Gospel, Go-go


Temptations, 5 heartbeats, friday, pretty much any black movie, ya feel me


Law in order: SUV, Bet shows, One on One, pretty much any black shows, ya feel me.


Dont really read like dat but if i do its a magizine maybe some books by black authors


My FAMILY....& OF Course GOD, ya diggs

My Blog

Thanks I MUST say......

Thanks I must say, I must say thanks cause you brought out of things that I never thought I would get out of. I must say thanks cause you have blessed me with things that I thought I would never atta...
Posted by ~Ashleyboo~ on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 03:16:00 PST


Appreciation appreciate: value, enjoy; recognize rightly or gratefully Friend: person one knows well and like; ally boyfriend: sweetheart who is a boy or man; friend who is a boy girlfriend: sweathea...
Posted by ~Ashleyboo~ on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 09:37:00 PST

Its interesting how everyones minds are different

Its funny how everyone has a different mind.....it can be a very good thing and it can be a very bad thing. I dont understand the minds of those who try to dismantle a good thing. I dont understand th...
Posted by ~Ashleyboo~ on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 05:21:00 PST

My Feelin's

Isn't Funny: well, what can I say? Isnt it funny   how when u find someone that you are happy with old history some how appears again. I mean right now Im so happy with my boyfriend, ho...
Posted by ~Ashleyboo~ on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 08:07:00 PST


Well wat can I say.....Timeing is everything in pretty much everything. u do in life.ya feel me.....Its like this right, I meet a wonderful dude....he is everything that i want in a relationship but t...
Posted by ~Ashleyboo~ on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 02:20:00 PST


motivated: is the theme of today..cause y u may ask....cause sometimes people tend 2 rub u the wrong way...they make u wanna do things u neva done b4 or dat u wouldnt even dream of doing....Sometimes ...
Posted by ~Ashleyboo~ on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 08:37:00 PST

Wats Next

This is a question dat I got 4 everyone out there......y is that when a person says they want to make it work there other half is like me 2...but then they dont wanna change nothin...they just wanna s...
Posted by ~Ashleyboo~ on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 10:01:00 PST