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♥AlL yOu NeEd Is LoVe♥

About Me

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Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

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Your Inner Retro Girl Is
1960s Hippie Chick What Retro Girl Are You? MY HUSBAND!!!

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Take the quiz: [url=http://www.zenhex.com/quiz.php?id=5597]Which Dead Rock Star Are You?[/url] [img][/img] [b]John Lennon[/b] You are John Lennon! You're a nerd to many young and old, and loved for it too. You have influenced many different people, you and old. You have magnetism. Oh, he died in 1980 from a moron... who shot him.
Wow! You and I are both total Beatlemaniacs! You
know almost everything there is to know about
the Beatles. Message me sometime, friend!
The Official Beatles Quiz (OK... so it's not really all that official)
brought to you by Quizilla
You're obviously a huge Beatles fan, and sometimes
your adoration goes a little over the top. But
then, if the Beatles really got to know you,
they would probably like you, because a little
flattery goes a long way! Get to know them a
little while you're in the sixties.
Meet the Beatles (Part One)
brought to you by Quizillaimg src="http://images.quizilla.com/L/lovepeace137/1090085446_es Beatles5.jpg" border="0" alt="Beatles"
You're still very eccentric when it comes to the
Beatles, but they really like you anyway. Paul
in particular really like the attention you
give him...
Meet the Beatles (Part Two)
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Madame Misty (that's me) predicts that you like
George Harrison... *wink, wink* Stick with my
quizzes and you'll literally get to kiss him!
Kiss Your Favorite Beatle (Part Two)
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You and George would make a good couple- at least
that's what I think. Take the rest of these
quizzes and in the last one, I promise you get
to kiss him (literally)...
Kiss Your Favorite Beatle (Part One)
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I predict that you and George will end up
together... Take my next quiz and get ready to
Kiss Your Favorite Beatle (Part Three- Finally!)
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Congratulations and right on! You are one hundred
percent Lennon Lover!
Are You a True John Lennon Lover?
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You are from Yellow Submarine. Trippy, spaced-out,
artistic and fun to be around.
Which Psychedelic children's Movie do you belong in?
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You are a Hippie. Wow.
What kind of Sixties Person are you?
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What type of person are you?

You are an individual
You like to do your own thing, don't care what people think, and don't mind if someone is different. You don't set trends, but you don't care. Lots of people label you as different, but really, you are just expressive and have your own style in everything you do. Rock on!

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests. .. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- END YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --about me..wat about me? that' sounds dumb but who cares ok alot of people call me a "hippie" and a few of my teachers have called me a "modernized hippie" which i think in my opinion is a compliment cuz of the fact that i dislike racism,hate,violence and u know all evil things i wish we could all get along and just live in peace. ok i have a mad passion for music yep really really big passion for it although i have an acoustic guitar which i play once in a while i suck! lol i need some lessons but yeah atleast i try man..ok i have a tiny fetish that kinda scares people away lol i loveeeeee long hair on guys! god thats so freakin'hot! and yeah skaters rule man not to mention surfers! umm..ok people that know me will automatically say i'm one of the happiest person they have ever met i dont think so hehe but then again it's kinda hard to get me mad. oh yeah they say i'm wet off JIM MORRISON and well it's true but then again i tend to get wet easily haha yes all it takes is a dude with long hair, a skateboard, surfboard or a blunt in his hand and bam! wetness it's fun to see a guy skating and just wishing u were atleast that skateboard grind baby grind! lol ok and umm..yeah i'm a midget! can u say oompa loompa! haha but i rule when it comes to basketball! yeah!umm..i suck at writing so yeah i'll end this with this nice quote: DARKNESS CANNOT DRIVE OUT DARKNESS ONLY LIGHT CAN HATE CANNOT DRIVE OUT HATE ONLY LOVE CAN-
Cheer Bear
You're the Care Bear cheerleader! Your spunky personality and optimisim lifts everyone's spirit. Though you want everyone to be happy, you stand your ground on issues you feel strongly about and this can bring disunity among your friends. Despite this, you are a true believer in working together.

Take the Which Care Bear Are You? Quiz! I adopted a cute lil' clown fetus from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus! it's was the most colorful one i could find hehe sooooo cute
You have White Wings! Pure and innocent, your
kindness attracts other people toward you. You
can be shy and quite, but when others know you
better, they realize you are fun and bubbly.
You hate it when other around you are sad, and
always see the good in everyone and everything.
Chances are you either help in the shelter, or
are a tutor in school. You are very kind and
friendly, but also quite nave. Dont be fooled
by looks. Some things do go bump in the night.
What Color are your wings?(Mainly for Girls)Beautiful Pix!
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You're Marilyn Monroe!
What Classic Pin-Up Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla http://www.ledzeppelin.com/images/downloads/screensavers/Zep pelin_stage_9_Installer.sit
click HERE to see what kinda druggie you are!
click HERE to see what kinda druggie you are!
You are Jimi Hendrix, probably the greatest
guitarist of all time. Known for lighting his
guitar on fire, and playing it with his teeth,
behind his back, and right up against the amp.
Which of these amazing guitarists are you most like?
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My Interests

Hosted at MySpaceNow.com

Hosted at MySpaceNow.com

Hosted at MySpaceNow.com

a href="http://members.blackplanet.com/BP-Grafix"target="_blan k"

Music Music Music...oh didn't i mention how much i love music? lol ok i'll stop mm..lets see basketball,football, baseball ect all instruments, are beautiful,MUNCHKIN,poems,photography tinkerbell,disneyland, peace, love, unity,sex, blow jobs, suckin' kissin' lol the good stuff jk:),cooking, laughing,blazin' lol lipglosses, vans,etnies,dc's, SKATERS! surfers ,long hair on guys yep hehe hugs,uhh..sorry i tend to forget things but yeah anything that's colorful!mm..oh yeah IN n' Out!, pizza, cheesecake uh..JIM MORRISON!ah yes!flowers,butterflies, mushrooms lol well watever if u know me u know what i like sorry i'm a strange little girl
You Are a Normal Girl
You are 60% Good and 40% Bad
Sure you've pulled some bad girl stunts in your past.
But these days, you're (mostly) a good girl. Are You a Good Girl or a Bad Girl? border=0
Weed ;)
Ahh your a stoner ((maybe we should talk))... you are truly a unique person. You are prolly a very smart person, but in your own way. You are close with your friends... sometimes ignorant people will get in the way and think that your a big looser, but thats not how you are, you just like to look at the world from a different perspective, and you like to giggle alot - but who the fuck doesnt??Maybe you have some personal issues going on, but thats part of life - shit will work out. If not, then there is always the option of staring a marijuana farm!!!!
You are from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
You're weird, creative, charming, and love to
mess with people's minds.

Which Psychedelic children's Movie do you belong in?
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What kind of Beetle are you?
You are adorable! You are a bright, happy person who lifts the spirits of everyone around you.

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You are "In My Life" by The Beatles

What song on my permanent playlist are you?
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I'd like to meet:

Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.comTake the quiz: "What member of The Beatles are you??"

John Lennon
You are John Lennon!! You love to live life at its edge., snd do things soley because you like them not for others. Good thing everyone likes what u do!Take the quiz: "What member of The Beatles are you??"

Paul McCartney
You are Paul McCartney!! Charming and cute, you are everyones perfect match. You are smarter than most and it is clearly seen.Take the quiz: "What member of The Beatles are you??"

George Harrison
You are George Harrison!! you are quiet and like to keep to yourself. Dont worry everyone can see your talent shine through.Take the quiz: "What member of The Beatles are you??"

Ringo Starr
You are Ringo Starr!! you are cuddly and friendly. Everyone loves your attitude! so keep it up.
You are Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. Known for
complicated riffs and mysterious personality,
including a fascination with Aleister Crowley
and the occult.

Which of these amazing guitarists are you most like?
brought to you by Quizillasrc="http://www.zenhex.com/quiz/262/res1.gif" border=0
You are Tinkerbell. You love magic and you care for others dearly

click HERE to see what kinda druggie you are!pssh..Jim Morrison, Jimmy Page, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon and funny thing is that well they are all dead!:(except for page so i still have some hope lol for right now i'll just stick to Nick Hexum singer from 311 he's freakin' cool man!and robert plant and page ahhh! wanna know something else that's funny all the Jimmy's rule! even Paul McCartney's first name is James! beautiful! i need to marry a jim man that's it! it's a sign lol
You are "Love Her Madly" by The Doors

What song on my permanent playlist are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You came from the flowers. Innocent, cute, you see
the world in a rainbow colored perpective.
Happy, but sometimes a bit foolish.


The Doors, Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Eagles,BobMarley,Queen, Rolling Stones AcDc,Janis Joplin, Guns N' Roses, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, 311 Sublime, Nirvana mana, jaguares,enanitos verdes, heroes del silencio and many many more ahhhhhh music is beautiful!!Take the quiz: "Which guitar are you"

Fender Strat
You are a Fender Stratocaster. You are the orignal rock and roll guitar
Classic rock! Without you the other genres
wouldn't exist! You are the raw and original
sound of rock! Other genres may try to imitate
your rawness, but they can never be like you!

What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


hmm..i think ALL Disney Movies are great! hehe yeah Disneyland rules!:)mm..The SANDLOT! ahh benny hottie hottie lol ninja turtles! woop woop School of Rock, johnny depp movies sighs*well geesh i dont know umm..oh yeah and THE DOORS! duh! im a dumb ass lol eventhough i didn't like how they portrayed him that much href="http://pp.blackplanet.com/BP-Grafix"target="_blank"
Take the quiz: "Which Wizard of Oz Character are you?"

Your lost in class, your kinda of curious, and adventurous.body, td, li, p, div, textarea, li, h1, h2, p, br {color:green;} .text {color:green;} .nametext {color:green;} .blacktext10 {color:green;} .orangetext15 {color:green;} .lightbluetext8 {color:green;} .blacktext12 {color:green;} .btext {color:green;} .whitetext12 {color:green;} .redbtext {color:green;} a:link{color:green;} a:hover{color:green;} a:active {color:green;} a:visited {color:green;}
Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
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You are from Alice in Wonderland. Whimsical, naive,
imaginative, and a little nutty.
Which Psychedelic children's Movie do you belong in?
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The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lives | I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage | Join the Pastafarians | Bring back the pirates! Add me as a friend fsmismyhero

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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


my DAD (rip) John Lennon , Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, George Harrison, Bob Marley and Jimmy Page My lovers: ISAY,MARY,SHEA,LAURA,DEYRA,LAURA,FREDDY and like yeah anyone who i love!:)♥.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- START YOUTHINK.COM QUIZ RESULTS --
What Beatle are you?
John Lennon
You enjoy poetry, painting & a fine wine. A lover not a fighter.

Click Here to Take This Quiz
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What kind of God are you?
Favourite Color
You earthly time was spent Supplanting kingdoms, punishing tyrants and levelling the empires of the wicked with the breath of your nostrils
Your throne is A great mountain wreathed in silver cloud, attended by angelic beings of light, arced with lightning and bathed in glory
You wear A humble tunic and robes, belying your inestimable supernatural powers just waiting to shatter the woes of Creation
Your Godly superpower is Unresistable charm and sensuality, drawing lovers, friends and enemies into your orgasmic grasp
This cool quiz by pelagicboreas - Taken 31582 Times. New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes
what drug are you?
you are weed- a little slow but you think things through..over..and over..and hey...i think we are just balls of energy..floating through time..and space
This Quiz by niconics - Taken 14402 Times. New - Help with love and dating! . ..
if your personality was what you look like what would your quote be? by ryuuichi
your quote is:
Quiz created with MemeGen !

My Blog


Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 10:34:00 PST

you guys have to read this is fuckin' hilarious! lol

40 MISTAKES MEN MAKE WHILE HAVING SEX WITH WOMEN (Some Men Really Need To Read This) ________________________________________1) NOT KISSING FIRST.Avoiding her lips and diving straight for the erogenou...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 10:00:00 PST

fill it out ya'll

I____ Lily Lily is _____.Lily needs ______.I want to _____ LilyLily can ______.Someday Lily  will _______.Lily reminds me of _______.Without Lily, _________.Lily can be _______.Lily&nb...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 02:48:00 PST

Fill it out! pleaseeeeeeeeee =)

Fill it In...Body: YOU fill in the blanks about ME even if u don't have any idea what the answers are and send me a message. But first post a blank one out to all your friends so they can return the f...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Sun, 30 Apr 2006 04:00:00 PST

311 LIKE OH MY GOD!!!!

Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Fri, 16 Dec 2005 10:29:00 PST

third ones the charm :)

1. Have we kissed?: 2. Do you want to?: 3. What would you like our relationship to be?: 4. Have we dated?: 5. Did you like it?: 6. Do you want to date?: 7. Are we close friends?: 8. Would you be here ...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Thu, 15 Dec 2005 10:08:00 PST

fill it out dammit!

~DO THIS~ PT. 2 1. do you think im cute? 2. do you want to kiss me? 3. do you want to cuddle wit me?4. do you want to hook up with me? 5. do you think im smart?are we's1. are we aquintences? 2. are w...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


~* DO THIS*~ 1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? ...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Your Superhero Persona by couplandesqueYour NameSuperhero NameThe MexicanSuper PowerAbility To FlyEnemyTrailer Trash TomMode Of TransportationGiant Hamster Named SkippyWeaponA StaplerQuiz created wi...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Who will give you an orgasm? by leslie13NameAgeVirgin?So, who will make you moan?Jim Morrison...lucky bitch.How?Intercourse.Will it be good?mmm hmmm...:)Quiz created with MemeGen! WOW DREAMS DO C...
Posted by ♥L.A.WoMaN♥ on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST