METAL HEART DAVE profile picture



About Me

I got hip-hop taste buds, I wanna hear that bass when I make love, I wanna hear some lyrics when I wake up, Write rhymes to get me through a break up, bitch! Rough like whisky straight, no chaser, Went through fifty breaks, no flavour,

My Blog


"Trying to make everyone happy makes no one happy" I'm not sure who originally said that, but I couldn't agree with it more. If you spend your life trying to please and make everyone around you happy,...
Posted by METAL HEART DAVE on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 11:39:00 PST


HOCKEY PLAYERS: The cockiest, dirtiest, most irresponsible group of athletes in the world. We'll do anything and come back to tell his teammates about it. Live the dream until they are 35 then realize...
Posted by METAL HEART DAVE on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:48:00 PST