Reagan Richards is a vocalist, currently out of NYC/NJ....keep checking back because i will have dates in your area VERY SOON, mostly in a headlining spot but occasionally backup or guest spot with someone.....also i will be putting up my MYSPACE MUSIC PAGE soon.....The people below are those that know the real me (NOT the stage me)
They've seen me primp, seen me pout, seen me pose and seen me perform (and seen me pissed off) and they are the ones that at the end of the day i hang with, talk with, have fun with, and who have supported my crazy life all these years!(esp. the ones who traveled to come visit me miles away and those who came along and traveled with me on my journey's!) So these are my pictures of my normal life with normal people..... I love them all and thanks for all being a part of everything! Cause sometimes, and just sometimes.... normal is good.
This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!