khiet profile picture


About Me

wannabe nerd who seemingly dresses the part already

My Interests

eating, aquariums, crocheting scarves and table runners, reading for fun, sissy camping, rugged camping, running in the woods, playing tennis at night under stadium lights


everything but the girl, jay chou, rnb from the 90's, white/pink noise


best in show, LOTR, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, adaptation, fight club, sense and sensibility, shaun of the dead, the science of sleep, before sunset


the daily show, the office, arrested development


dune, sirens of titan, brave new world, nine stories, winter of our discontent, bell jar, franny and zooey, sphere, raise high the roof beam carpenters, jane eyre, sense and sensibility, anything by steven appleby!


my family. also, boaters and abc's who can get along in harmony.