food. candy. ice cream. mama. daddy. stephan. vanidha. deanna. elizabeth. benji. yoav. ada. eve. disneyland! green. pale yellow. gummi bears. lime. anton. chester. earl. edith. dresses. blush. fireworks.
lots of kids with special needs. only to hope that with my help there might be one less kid who needs special attention.
ben folds.
american beauty. billy madison. big daddy. punch-drunk love. closer. eternal sunshine. i heart huckabees. garden state. pulp fiction. gone in 60 seconds. snatch. boondock saints. the royal tenenbaums. the goonies. evil dead2. rocky horror. interview with the vampire. the notebook. friday. whiteboyz. halfbaked. old school. anchorman. mallrats. clerks. eng. monsters. finding nemo. little mermaid. pirates. adventures in babysitting. clueless. pretty woman. dont tell mom.
the price is right. the sarah silverman show. scrubs.
currently: the schopenhauer cure by irvin d. yalom, not to mention my fat ass anatomy and physiology book.
yoav. well, everyone in the hepner family.