Chris Kallmyer profile picture

Chris Kallmyer

About Me

Chris Kallmyer is a Los Angeles based performer/composer/improviser. You can find him most days at CalArts where he is pursuing graduate studies in music performance. There he spends a great deal of time playing trumpet, and listening to music/traffic/nature. He also drinks indulgent, gluttonous, life-threatening amounts coffee, loves working with composers on new works, and delights in the presence of small dogs, and big musicians(like his mentors Tom Stevens, Ed Carroll, Vinny Golia, and Wadada Leo Smith). ______________________________________________ A native of Washington DC, he grew up playing punk rock in dank city basements, exploring his love of music. This experience has greatly influenced his perspective and propelled an innate want to make music in a wide variety of areas including orchestras, new music, baroque performance, freely improvised settings, installation/performance art, and composition. __________________________________________________Chris has performed concerts at REDCAT, LACMA, Machine Project, CalArts, St. Mary’s College of Maryland, art galleries in Washington DC and Los Angeles, Alba and Valle d’Aosta, Italy, and the Geneva Conservatory in Switzerland. Chris is also active in the orchestral world having played with the St. Mary’s College Orchestra, the CalArts Orchestra, the Bergamo Chamber Orchestra, the Chesapeake Orchestra, and the Romanian Symphony Orchestra.

My Interests


Member Since: 27/11/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Collaborations/Performances with: 80%Brass, CalArts Brass Ensemble, Vinny Golia Small Ensemble at CalArts, Creative Ensemble with Wadada Leo Smith and Mark Trayle, Matt Sargent, Michael Deragon, Casey Anderson, Scott Cazan, John Hastings, Bob Allaire, Ori Barel, Daren Burns, The Beauty Pill, Deleted Scenes, Basshound, Don Stapelson Quintet, Gretchen Richie, St. Mary's Jazz Combo, Chesapeake Big Band, CalArts Orchestra, St. Mary's College Orchestra, Chesapeake Orchestra, Sinfonia della Valle d'Aosta, Bergamo Chamber Players, Romanian Symphony Orchestra
Influences: Issues of space and place. areas of agriculture. issues of public space. issues of human and the environment _________________________ The Books, Wadada Leo Smith, Vinny Golia, Markus Stockhausen, Tom Stevens, Arve Henriksen, Miles Davis, Bulgarian music, Mongolian music, Persian music, Tom Waits, Gustav Mahler, Richard Strauss, Steve Reich, Morton Feldman, Lou Harrison, Oliver Messiaen, many of the groups on dischord records especially Faraquet, Fugazi, and Most Secret Method. Les Savy Fav, Radiohead, At the Drive In, Van Morrison, James Brown, John Prine, Woody Guthrie, Taj Mahal, Mark Rothko, Colby Caldwell, Kaia Sand, some colors found in nature, especially greens, Charles Bukowski, cheese, wine, food.
Type of Label: Unsigned

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