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Myspace Comments | Myspace Graphics | Myspace SurveysWassup! I'm Brittney. Most ppl have other names for me including: Britt, BS, B, or Gadget. So w/e u choose to call me is cool. I'll respond to all of the above. I'm a baller. Basketball is my life. I pretty much breath the game. I'm 5'10" and I play point guard. Yea, your girl can handle the rock so watch them ankles. lol Besides ballin, I love shopping, chillin w/ friends, talkin on the phone, scoutin the fellas...basically your regular teenage stuff. I attend Liberty University aka JAIL! lol I'm majoring in Computer Management and Information Systems with a minor in Spanish. I love God w/ all my heart, mind, and soul. He's the reason I live, move, and have my very being. So he gets all the praise and glory everyday of my life. Basically w/o him I'm nothing and life would be worthless. I'm just livin everyday for him and waitin to see what he has in store for me. I already know it's gonna be big.

My Interests

My mommy and daddy. lol The 2 best ppl on the planet! The 2 that brought yours truly to the earth. lol Because of you, I am the young woman that I am today. The Bible says, "Train up a child in the way he (well in my case she) should go and when she is old she will not depart from it. I'm glad you have trained me in the ways of God, cuz I'm not departing from it. Now that I am away @ school, I realize the blessing that you are in my life. I want you guys to know that I appreciate everything that you do. =) Thanks for everything! Love you.

My 4 sisters. My best friends. Even though we all have different dreams, God placed us together for a reason. We don't always get along, but it's cool, we're sisters, we are supposed to make each other's life miserable. haha j/k I'm glad that I was blessed with such amazing sisters and I pray that I set a good example for you. I feel like I'm missing EVERYTHING now that I'm away atvschool (especially Amanda and Alyssa growing up!) You guys have always been there and although friends come and go...sisters are FOREVER! Love you!

TWIN! Besides that fact that we look just alike, we have a lot in common...almost everything (I had something funny to put here, but I'll keep it to myself. You prolly already know what I wanna say cuz we have that whole twin thing...but I have one word for you...SHE'S) haha Your the best! I don't know what life would be like w/o you. We are so close and I'm glad you are my cuz. Guys...if you wanna get to me, you have to go through him! (just a warning) lol

Brandon! My crazy cousin and college buddy! lol Man, Liberty would be w/o u. lol You make it bearable! Sorry I might possibly be leaving you. You should just transfer with me! haha Love you much!

MARCO...POLO! lol I freakin love you! You've been my best friend ever since the 4th grade! (Ms. Manoley's class rules...duh!) lol It's amazing that we are graduated from high school and now in college and we are closer then we were back in elementary. You're stuck with me forever! I still haven't forgotten about your "surprise" 30th b-day party with the CHEESECAKE! lol and don't forget...I LOVE YOU MORE!!!!!! =)

Marco and Tiana. It all started in Ms. Manoley's 4th grade class. You have been there through it all...the laughs, the tears, the good times, the bad times, the stupid guys...EVERYTHING! We have so many inside jokes...its insane. I'll never 4get all of our 3-way phone conversations and just the times when we would be chillin at my house and just laugh forever about the dumbest stuff. I love you guys!

Cassie. Mi mejor amiga. i just want you to know that 'I drove past your house the other day, I didn't even mean to I went the wrong way..." ha! So we have been friends for like hmmm a lil over a year and I feel like I've known you 4ever. How the captain of the basketball team becomes best friends with the captain of the cheer leading squad is crazy, but it works! lol We actually have a lot in common (especially where we like to shop! I would love to own something that YOU DON'T HAVE!) lol Me and you together = OC! Don't ever 4get the word that describes everything...WHY!? (especially when it comes to guys! lol niggaz these days... haha) Who else can I spend over an hour w/ in Blockbuster, or spend hours on the phone w/ fryin ppl? lol Te amo and you love me! (spanglish, for us that go to advance Spanish and STILL CAN'T SPEAK IT!) lol Remember...Go hard or GO HOME! ;)

Ashley (wow...I never call u that. Lets change that to Balentino) You are one of my closest friends. I know I can count on you for anything (especially outlines for Bowser...) haha j/k Eggerton's class is where it all began. and of course Basketball season (until u deserted me Senior year) it's cool, I still love you. lol We have too many inside jokes... lol you are mean, but at least you are not a 2 faced u know what! haha fun times, fun times. Always remember that my sarcasm KINGS yours! U love me! =)
Cassie and Balentino. My girls for life! Although, you guys are a horrible influence on me, (haha) I love you 2 to death. Too bad the UMD thing didn't work out. It's cool, I don't think UMD could handle ABC! haha Now, I just need to get yal out to Lynchburg! I know I know...wishful thinking! =) It's only fair though, since I've been to both of your schools 2 visit u! You guys are stuck with me for life (of course that is an amazing thing)

The Septet-Trio! O man, what would Liberty be like w/o you all? You are my family away from family. We are all so extremely different, but there is something that links us all together. I thank God for blessing me with 7 amazing ppl, that I don't only consider best friends but sisters! Nothing can separate our friendship (not even something as drastic as a transfer). You guys were placed in my life for a reason! We have only been with each other for a short time, but we have seen each other happy, sad, pissed...pretty much every emotion. =) but the one thing that I love more than anything is how we are all just so freakin crazy. I laugh more than ever w/ u losers! lol I love you all so much!

I'd like to meet:

Tha Basketball Survey by lalaanthony
Basic Info
Name: Britt
Age: 18
Birthday: March 25
Height: 5'10"
How old were you when u started playin: 6 or 7
Why do you play the game: Cuz it's my life
Number: 33
Special Move: Cross over and then pull up jumper
Who caused you to love the game: Eric, my best friend and my basketball partner. No one can beat us!
Shoes u ball in: Nike
Any special headband: nope, but I always play with a wristband on my right arm
Are u able to dunk: not quite...i can grab rim though
Has anyone dunked on u: haha...Derek
Favorite Players
Lebron or Wade: WADE
Melo of Iverson: Iverson
Kobe or Tracy: Kobe even though I am not a fan
O'Neal or Derk: this is a tough one...they are 2 very diff players
Ewing or Magic Johnson: Magic- my inspiration
Favorite NBA player: Dwayne Wade
Favorite College Player: Candace Parker
Favorite High School player: Britt Stephenson lol
Who do you look up to: Alana Beard
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The Basketball player Survey
Whats your Basketball Name? Go-Go Gadget bka Gadget
Most points scored in one game? 30
Most Ast in a game? 15
Most Rebounds? 10
Most Steals? 10
What college do you want to play for? Duke...but looks like I'm playin for LU
When did you first start playing the game? when I was 6
Who would you like to play the most? Candace Parker
Where you rank at in your state? dunno
Where you rank in the Nation? dunno
Your current basketball team? Lady Rams
Most used move? cross over to pull up J
Three point shot or a Mid-Range Jumpshot? Mid-Range
Dunk or Layup? Layup
Whats your basketball number and Y 33 I don't know y though...
Who put a basketball in your hands? My cuz Rodney
What schools you got looking at you? LU
Who do you hate to play? Eric...CHEATER lol j/k he makes me better
Best place to play at? anywhere w/ a court
Worst place to play at? places w/ rims but no nets (I hate that)
Do you feed off the crowd or just play the game? just play the game
Ever been dunked on? haha yup...Derek
Ever dunked on somebody? ha! yea right
What do you do b4 every game? pray, listen to music
Any special Shirt or Headband you wear while playing? no, but I always wear a wristband on my right arm
Why do you play the game? cuz it's my life
Basketball or Pussy? Basketball
Right Hand Shot or Left Hand Shot? Right hand
Have you ever said I will die for this basketball stuff? yep


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