( ^_^)**Th|s |s Me!!!
| am sOmE1 wHo....
1. Loves to day dream alot
2. Like to be treated like a princess
3. Loves strawberries
4. Like the sun
5. Enjoys slping
6. Dun like to walk
7. Likes being with a grp of ppl
8. Loves my "PiGgIe"
9. Is a very hard to understand gal
10. Loves my family
11. Can't take NO for an answer
12. Loves Soya bean with Milk (yum..yum...)
13. Is full of CrAzzzzzY ideazZz..
14. Dun like ppl to rush me or to things i dun like.
15. Loves Mambo
16. Loves the sEa!!! (sUnSeT bAy!!!!)aNd tat |s mE!!!
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Hmmm... Who?? Let's see!!!
Actually no 1 to mention, i have found tat special 1 liao....
oOooOO ya!!! All my Long Lost friends and Friends in Temasek Poly.
See ya!!!