Bar & Grill
phone: 770-934-5100 Every Friday and Saturday Night!!!!Location: Fiesta Bar & Grill....... (Soon to be Spot Bar & Grill)Street: 4578 BRITT ROAD ,TUCKER City/Town: North Atlanta, GA Friday Nigh...Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 16:30:00 GMT
11:59 PM 10/04/2005 "Forever JRSNIOABEASDCN" Forever is such a long time My love for you grows faster than I can stop I think of you even though Im around you I dream of you even when Im with you Noth...Posted by on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 21:05:00 GMT
"lies of Change"
2:29 AM 5/29/2004 "Lies Of Change" Soon the sun will shine on my face again Just when, has yet to be seen My life it seems has been without purpose Now I will stand up and defy you I will not let you ...Posted by on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:13:00 GMT
"Seeing GREEN"
8:53 PM 8/18/2005 "Seeing Green" I fall asleep every night When I close my eyes, all I see, GREEN At first I did not understand, what did it mean This Beauti...Posted by on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 18:06:00 GMT