SEAN profile picture


Holy shit look at that bat wing

About Me

"Life is short might as well make it boring" - Thats my daily motto. Continuously testing and interviewing to become a firefighter. I'm also a Marine reservist and just returned home from my 1st deployment to the lovely shithole known as Iraq. I'm amazingly good looking, built like a Greek God, and have teal green eyes. Yes ladies, fucking teal green. I'm sexier than ever and back to seduceing women (not Iraqi men in mandresses) at a glance.

My Interests

Pretty basic stuff - Brading my hair and riding horseback on the beach, tapdancing naked, wearing suits to bars pretending to be a stock broker and talking about what huge trade deal I landed that day, and of course - smoking crack.
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I'd like to meet:

The lucky son of a bitch who got picked to do the call for prayer over a loud speaker in small Iraqi towns & the fat little Iraqi kid I saw wearing a extra small, pink, poke-a-dotted leatard while on a convoy in Baghdad.


George Michael and Kenny G while relaxing in bubble baths


Can't fucking wait too see the new Batman movie starring Whoopie Goldberg as Catwoman (Mmmmmmmm, Whoopie in Leather, I'm getting moist just thinking about it)


Golden Girls, Rescue Me, Prison Break, mullet wearing midget porn, Westminster dog shows, and ballroom dancing competitions.


AWOL "The unexcused absence of America's upper Classes from Military Service", Last Men Out (Rescue 2 firehouse in Brooklyn), Blackhawk Down, Inside Afghanistan:Behind the Veil (undercover documentary of life under the Taleban & Al Qaida), The Pursuit of Happiness


One of the only things I'm being dead serious about on here... WAR VETS!!!

My Blog


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Posted by Sean on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 11:48:00 PST