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About Me

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38 Special
Being a natural born Psychic I've been giving guidence for 28 years.I am Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Clairsentiment. I like to help my clients gain insight into the dynamics of life.By answering questions about LOVE, ROMANCE, CAREER, SCHOOL, FINANCES, LIFES PURPOSE AND MAJOR DECISIONS. The tools I use are the Universal Waite Tarot Deck. With Numerology/Astrology for dates and times, Angel Orical Cards. Before I start a Reading I like to ask for assistants from my Spirit Guides and Gaurdian Angels to help guard against negativity,and to help provide a clear accurate Reading. I also use Stones for grounding,protection,clarity and enhanced intuition.


My Blog

Astrological Signs

Astrological Signs Aquarius The eleventh zodiac sign, symbolized by the water carrier, is ruled by Uranus. Aquarians are born between January 21 February 19. They are highly studious, mentally stimula...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 17:07:00 GMT