please let me tell you a little about myself...i was born a rich, (royalty), equadorian refugee. my parents both farmed the fields of peru before being plucked from obscurity by a travelling hollywood film production. they made a successful transformation before getting caught up in the tumultuious world of drugs sex and paparazzi which ultimalty became their down fall, like so many others dumped into excess. My sister who shall remain nameless was a stow away on a pt boat that gaurded the small island, pichu-maulu off the coast of sumatra. she worked her way up to first mate before the mutiny occured, forcing her to walk the plank, her where abouts have yet to be determined. i have an older brother who quietly retreated into the dunes of provincetown to write the all american novel, without ever learning the alphabet, he won the pulitzer back in 86 for his book "maniphest of bokendown chevrolets". he never collected his prize. one time as a child my mother the baroness told me of a story so frieghtening that my left testicle sprouted wings and tried to escape the warmth of my sack. luckily i'm right handed. thats most of my adolescents save for a few minor details like mild skirmishes with local park rangers and men that read the gas meter on my yurt. mostly though i'd like to thank the people who have assisted my pain through the years, you know who you are, oh and my favorite word is "slab"........
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
i'd like to meet that jesus guy. have him answer a few lingering questions i have about where the hell my innocense went.... or anyone else i feel like i don't have to impress