May God shows mercy. |
Jesus wept.-John 11:35 Posted by on Fri, 22 May 2009 15:45:00 GMT |
The thing that gives you hope is going to be in the closet, someday; hiding and not helping. |
The Devil bent down to snickered in my face, flashing teeth and pointy tongue. "You have to hit rock-bottom before you get to the breakthrough," he said. I don't really know what that actually means, ... Posted by on Thu, 21 May 2009 11:20:00 GMT |
If you want me to be gone. I've left already in my mind. |
I'm feeling like crap. Literally. I've been laid off since New Year. I remembered how bright I thought the road ahead was going to be. Boy, was I wrong! The place that fired me hired me back as a part... Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 11:52:00 GMT |
Every time I find my heart, I lose it to that long yellow line. |
Well, maybe this time, that long yellow line will lead me to Rome. After all, they said all roads lead to Rome.In the course of life's journey, you meet many people: some leaders, some followers, some... Posted by on Thu, 14 May 2009 10:53:00 GMT |
Fly the ocean in a silver plane. See the jungle when it's wet with rain. |
Just remember 'till you're home belong to me.Have I ever told you people how much I love my daddy?...The phone rang while I moped over the bowl of noodle about the fact that I was sitting ... Posted by on Mon, 04 May 2009 13:23:00 GMT |
All I want is a room somewhere. Far away from the cold night air. |
The Devil himself delivered me to the front door of God's house. And God invited me in with open arms. He told his servant to take care of me. She said, "It is fortunate that you ended up here. For th... Posted by on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 12:31:00 GMT |
There were three wise men looking to have some fun. |
It's a strange feeling to wake up one morning and realized your head had been screwed on backward.Then, there were the dilemma of what is right and what is wrong. Should you express your uniqueness an... Posted by on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 12:21:00 GMT |
Forget your troubles and come on, get happy! |
Hello dear readers,Life in the slow lane continues. There's thousands of things I wanted to ramble about, but the idea of sitting in front of the computer to do an update put me off. I went through a ... Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 11:27:00 GMT |
After two days in the desert sun, my skin began to turn red. |
Life as an undead and unemployed continues. I can't believe that a quarter of a year is approaching soon.Renaissance Faire is also approaching. It is kind of strange when I think about it. For the pas... Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 15:23:00 GMT |
And he told me, "if you cannot move normally, then, you move abnormally. It's easy." |
It has been a while since last update, I know. I hope everybody is doing well. I cant believe it has been almost two and a half month since the New Year. So, lets see. What am I up to?Life as an und... Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:26:00 GMT |