About Me
Ingenieur du son travaillant au sein du Groovy Studios (Fontenay sous bois 94) sous le denominatif "HYBREED STUDIO".
C'est une structure permettant d'enregistrer un album ou une demo a des prix tres competitifs.
Principalement oriente Rock/Metal, mais capable de faire sonner tous les styles de musique.
Recording Engineer I'm working in the Groovy Studios (France - 94) under the name of "HYBREED STUDIO".
You can record an album and even a demo at a really competitive price.
I am specialized in all that is Rock/Metal, but able to make sound all the musical styles.
7th Nemesis, The Arrs, Carnal Lust, Inborn Suffering, Hope, Onesta, Stillrise, Glorior Belli, Temple Of Baal, Ekynox, Bleeding Freaks, Day's Of Discord, Beverly Secret, Grub, Selfhate, Hardside, Bridal Procession, Kobline, AsTheyBurn, Requiem For Sirens, Fedhja, Fuel for Riot, Fractal Gates, Blessing Sins, And now we are, Devenn, Hemoragy, Cervikal, Show me the glorious death etc...
- Mac G5 Bi-pro 2x1.8
- Logic Pro 7
- Cartes UAD 1 ( avec plugs Neve, Universal audio etc... )
- RME fireface 400
- Izotope ozone 3
- Console mackie onyx 1640 + interface firewire
- M-audio i-control
- Dynaudio bm5a
- Preamp neve, daking
- Micros: Shures, Sennheiser, Se electronics, Audix, Oktava, Audio Technica
- Batteries Yamaha, Remo
- Amplis Marshall, Fender, Ampeg
Contact: sevenandi@yahoo.fr
Ingenieur du son travaillant au sein du Groovy Studios (Fontenay sous bois 94) sous le denominatif "HYBREED STUDIO".
C'est une structure permettant d'enregistrer un album ou une demo a des prix tres competitifs.
Principalement oriente Rock/Metal, mais capable de faire sonner tous les styles de musique.
Recording Engineer I'm working in the Groovy Studios (France - 94) under the name of "HYBREED STUDIO".
You can record an album and even a demo at a really competitive price.
I am specialized in all that is Rock/Metal, but able to make sound all the musical styles.
7th Nemesis, The Arrs, Carnal Lust, Inborn Suffering, Hope, Onesta, Stillrise, Glorior Belli, Temple Of Baal, Ekynox, Bleeding Freaks, Day's Of Discord, Beverly Secret, Grub, Selfhate, Hardside, Bridal Procession, Kobline, AsTheyBurn, Requiem For Sirens, Fedhja, Fuel for Riot, Fractal Gates, Blessing Sins, And now we are, Devenn, Hemoragy, Cervikal, Show me the glorious death etc...
- Mac G5 Bi-pro 2x1.8
- Logic Pro 7
- Cartes UAD 1 ( avec plugs Neve, Universal audio etc... )
- RME fireface 400
- Izotope ozone 3
- Console mackie onyx 1640 + interface firewire
- M-audio i-control
- Dynaudio bm5a
- Preamp neve, daking
- Micros: Shures, Sennheiser, Se electronics, Audix, Oktava, Audio Technica
- Batteries Yamaha, Remo
- Amplis Marshall, Fender, Ampeg
Contact: sevenandi@yahoo.fr