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About Me

Established in 2002, Queen Bee Management(QBM) is a full scale boutique management company. Representing various artist; from actors to dancers, and singers to writers, they also have a large collection of "triple threats". QBM is extrodinarily fortunate in the talent that has collected under their umbrella, and they have nothing but faith in ALL of their clients. QBM works dilligantly and fervently in pursuit of their clients careers and dreams.
QBM works closely with a collection of amazing agencies such as; Diverse Talent Group, Abrams Artsists Agency, Osbrink, The Gage Group, CLEAR Talent Group, McDonald Selznick & Associates, Dorothy Day Otis and Bloc. (These being just a few of the reputable agencies working with QBM.)
Of course the clients that have yet to decide on which agency is the right one for them still have the benifit of being submitted on casting calls through QBM's own site on BREAKDOWN SERVICES.
They also work closely and exclusively with several large reputable casting directors and casting agencies.
Always willing to do what ever they can do ethically in their power, they strive for only greatness and push for whatever dreams the client is in pursuit of.
Above all, the client comes first.
As long as the client is willing to put in 100%, Queen Bee Management (QBM) is willing to put in 150%
[email protected]

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