The Courtship is coming out full force with every intention of making some sort of dent in Canada's ever growing hardcore following. Driven by focus and pure Canadian pride, This 5 member powerhouse will never fail to appreciate and acknowledge any progression that they may achieve. Fully aware of the benefits to be reaped, The Courtship knows that the biggest hill to climb will be to earn the respect of their country's obvious dedication to hardcore music, and to solve this they give themselves whole heartedly to the lifestyle they've chosen. With influences along the lines of classic bands like Motley Crue, to new age pillars like Poison The Well or Every Time I Die, the band strives to deliver tracks that will speak the minds of their listeners, as well as their struggles. Emerging strong through family losses, housing complications and financial debt, The Courtship keep their chins up, and their aggression through the mic
UPDATE! APRIL 20th, 2009
So here it is! The update that will officially inform everyone of what's going on! We haven't been playing shows lately because, with a new guitarist comes new ideas, which then leads to new songs! The Courtship would love to welcome our young gun, Nick Bradbury from I Call This Safety! He is an amazing addition to The Courtship, and is filling in the shoes he needs to very well.
So with new songs comes the thought of another cd, which is currently in the works/planning stages. So get stoked for The Courtship's 5 song EP to be released this summer; hopefully by August! Who knows what songs we might re-record and throw on the EP; that's if we even decide to re-record or if we just go with all new tracks!
We also have new merch including 2-3 tees, a hoody, stickers, pins, and possibly more all ready to be manufactured. We're just waiting for the right time to hit the go button/we need cash! Haha! So buy our Macho Man tee and our split EP with our partners in crime, Texas with a motha *shut yo mouth* Dollar Sign!
So to recap; a new member, EP in the works, new merch, which brings me to a new myspace! Yup, it's happening again. We will be getting a new myspace in spite of the EP so keep checking in because you never know when our shit will change.
There are two more things on the list and then you can rest your eyes and rock out to our tunes!
We're working on our summer tour which consists of Ontario, Quebec, and the East Coast! Check in to see any show updates and confirmations. If anyone wants to book us message us at
[email protected]!
Finally, everyone who currently is not jamming to "The Complete Protection From the Living Dead" split EP, you'll be able to rock out to a new track that will be put up within the next week or so! This track is known as Vigilante Up! Get stoked and stream that shit!
Anyways, everyone's eyes must be on fire so I'm out!
The Courtship