If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming an Install Tech for a local authorized DirectV dealer, please read!Experience is a plus but this is also something that can be learned in little time. This is a good way to make money part time and full time. This company offeres more than just satellite installs. You could be installing security systems, suround sound systems, cameras and more. This is a job that dont have to come into work everyday if you cant make it. You make your own hours along with your own paycheck meaning the more you work the more you make. You can work once a month or all day everyday, its up to you. All that is required is that you make it to the job site at the time that YOU set with the customer. Employees must be on time, clean cut, act professionally, and drug free.If installing is not your thing, you also have the chance of selling the service which can earn alot of easy moneyPlease contact me here or via email at [email protected], there we will exchange numbers.chris
This profile was edited with DonkeySpace Editor