Original Music People. Original People. Talented, Magical, and Confident people. Most of all people who like persuing wisdom by learning from and with each other. Kevin is currently writing and performing with his newly formed group with Jimi Jamison "Memphis Blood". For Discography 123ksp.com/promo_Band.aspx For Picture and Bios 123ksp.com/promo2.aspx for schedules 123ksp.com
Positive people! The glass is always half full here! People who do it for the fun and not the money!
George Harrison once said music is GOD! He said that GOD needs away straight through the bullshit into our hearts. The reason there is so many different kinds of music is because there are so many different need we have! I think he was pretty close. I have been part of the nusic wheel for many years and am very thankful for the opportunity. Sooo..... I love any and all music that is performed with a real and honest feeling. I write to understand myself.
50 Dates, Forrest Gump! Science Fiction
Cnn/ King of the Hill, The Simpsons, Old Cartoons
Jimmy Hendrix The Lyrics compiled by Janie L Hendrix
The wise lyricists and songwriters in the world. My friends!