mononoise profile picture


About Me

mono/noise is the alter ego of Hilmar Már Gunnarsson. Born in Reykjavik but currently living in Copenhagen.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/09/2005
Band Members: Hilmar Már Gunnarsson ( Laptop, analog/digital synths, drum machine, sampler, theremin, melodica, electric organ, plus various other things and electronical gadgets. )
Influences: Isan, Boards of Canada, Kraftwerk, Casino VS Japan, Cocteau Twins, Miles Davis, Theyr, Lee Perry, Godspeed You Black Emperor!, Explosions in the Sky, Hermann & Kleine, Zoveit France, Xela, Brian Eno, Lee Hazlewood, HÖH, Slowdive, Virginia Astley, Purrkur Pilnikk, Can, Neu!, Autechre, Apparat, Pole, Opiate, Oval, Fennesz, Basic Channel, To Rococo Rot, Smiths, Joy Division, Manual, Africa Bambaata, Boot Camp Clik, Raymond Scott, Juliee Cruise, Angelo Badalamenti, Delia Derbyshire, Brian Wilson, Visage, Alphaville, Arovane, Stereolab, Matmos, Biosphere, YMO, Jackie Mittoo, Debussey, Satie and more and more
Sounds Like: "Like a remix of Fennesz by Boards of Canada"
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Mp3 focus

mono/noise is featured in Sudd. records mp3 focus this Mai.4 tracks and free to download trough www.sudd.orgat
Posted by on Wed, 02 May 2007 11:02:00 GMT

Sudd. advent calender!

mono/noise is featured in Sudd. records brilliant mp3 advent calender.You can check it out at
Posted by on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 19:00:00 GMT

musicOHM review

Music writer Tony Heywood just wrote a mini review of mono/noise for the website musicOHM.Check it outmusicOHMHe also added a expended review to his own personal music blog herehttp://www.highwayfive....
Posted by on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 06:06:00 GMT