peyTRON profile picture


About Me

"I want to make love to the world. I love people. I don't belong on earth. Return me to yahoos." -David Berkowitz

Sometimes I draw stuff.

~Smackover - a vicious satire of what used to be life (I haven't updated this in forever because HTML is too tedious for me to mess with right now and the design is awful because I haven't changed it in years since 2003, but I still love it.)

~Exhibition of Degenerate Art (Random art and more entirely-unrelated cartoony stuff, generally making fun of everything horrible in life)

""Well, art is art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water! And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know." -Groucho Marx

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet more assholes. If you are an asshole, intelligent, and refuse to take anything seriously, we would probably get along... so essentially, anyone with the personality of Bugs Bunny.

My Blog

Time Management for the Mentally Deficient (or: how I learned to stop worrying & love myspace)

I don't know why my Yahoo! music player is playing Hilary Duff.  I'm pretty sure it wants me to kill myself.I was having a conversation with my mother a few days ago about my new job.  I spo...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 13:17:00 GMT

It's sad, but what's really sad is, it never got weird enough for me.

Lately I have become increasingly moody. This is strange because for the most part, I just hate everything on a regular continuum minus the mood swings. Still, I never really reach my breaking point...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 15:16:00 GMT

Excuse me ma'am, but that's a nice potato you've got there!

Open scene: enter Me, stage left... oblivious, but on a mission.  A mission to procure potatoes.Enter walmart stockers, stage right.  Stocker 1: early 20's white guy, medium build, looks lik...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 23:30:00 GMT

Why I Don't Believe In Hueytown Anymore

Before we get into this I want everyone to know that one of my friends had the AUDACITY to ask me, "It is Alabama, after all--do we really expect not to see these things?"  People, listen to me h...
Posted by on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 12:51:00 GMT

Creepshit 101

"That's all a girl can hope to be in this world.  A beautiful little fool."-The Great GatsbyFor those of you that happen to be unfamiliar with the vast array of awkwardness surrounding my persona...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 12:54:00 GMT

How Being Hot Has Worked For Me: a postscript

God fucking dammit, it's cold.  Now that we've got the mood set, I'd like to take this time, and space on your cache to bitch.  Typical, I know.  I've been pretty frustrated lately due ...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 21:43:00 GMT

The Ghost Town That Wouldn't Die

I'm not exactly sure as to why exactly I ever reconsidered writing Hueytown out of my life entirely.  Time after exhasperating time, it's only proven to me that it's really not worth the time or ...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 23:44:00 GMT

Happiness isn't very funny at all.

For every day I spend driving to a job I hate in a car with no air conditioning in 90 degree weather, for every asshole I serve a caramel macchiato to, for every uninteresting douchebag that asks me o...
Posted by on Sun, 28 May 2006 00:37:00 GMT

How Being Hot Has Worked For Me

Although I like to think of myself as a generally modest person, truth is, I'm just as full as myself as any other asshole.  To be completely honest, I have to deal with tons of creepy fuckers al...
Posted by on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 16:03:00 GMT

For the sake of it...

I thought I'd write something just so it wouldn't say "Blah! You haven't posted anything yet, you loser!"Umm... well, I'm getting a car on Saturday (yay!!) and I saw The Village last night and yester...
Posted by on Sun, 01 Jan 2006 19:31:00 GMT