Hai :]
I'm Kirsty.
I love going to gigs, listening to music and hanging out with friends just like any other teenage girl. I'm very down to earth and nice, get to know me if you want :]
I'm rather a strange girl if you know me personally, I change my mind constantly, I annoy my friends by doing this haha.
I never judge anyone on appearance, so please don't judge beacause of mine.
My friends are my life, I don't know what I would do without them. They are always there for me no matter what,even if I think I can't carry on they make me see the good things in my life.
I love listening to music,it's a big part of my life, it's my addiction in life.
I would briefly like to tell you all about a band called SpiderBaby,these guys and girl are amazing people,talk to them about anything,they are very friendly. Their songs are amazing,have a listen to them,check them out they are 3rd in my top friends :]
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