Sports(Boston Redsox and Tampa Bay Bucs), hangin out with friends, trying new things, traveling to places i've never been, anything romantic including: long walks on the beach, and romantic getaways to far off places ive never been.
Someone that can see me for me and not judge me based on my appearance.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
anything, but mainly listen to hip/hop and r&b
scarface, american pie, road trip, friday, night at the roxbury, superbad, grandma's boy...just to name a few. also, beginning to be a sucker for romantic love stories.
anything, not picky, but hate the lifetime channel
The Bible, Why Men Love Bitches, 1001 Ways to Be Romantic, wallstreet journal, pc magazine, anything that enhances my knowledge about anything, especially money and women(cause face it, we'll never completely figure them out)
my parents, grandparents, and brothers