Jesta is the musical alter-ego of Bryan Page from Essex in the United Kingdom. There are usually no deep motives at work - simply music that is intended to be enjoyed. Though essentially a one-man project, occasionally some fantastic guest artists are brought into the mix including some of the best session musicians in the U.K. Bryan has had over 15 years production experience and has learnt from, and befriended, some of the busiest people in the industry today.
Jesta's biggest success to date is a song that was written to demonstrate alternative forms of advertising, "My, My Music and My iDog" inspired by a fun gadget from Hasbro - This song has rocketed out of control within the podcast community where it has been featured on a multitude of shows including Adam Curry's Daily Source Code.
In addition to Jesta, Bryan's other projects include musical dynamic duo "Conspiracy" where he is joined by talented singer/guitarist Simon Sheehan performing powerful cover versions of classic rock, soul, pop, indie and R&B hits.