I love purses and wallets. I enjoy crocheting, quilting, embroidering and other crafts. I enjoy cooking and I like to try new things.
I would love to catch up with any of my old friends from camp, school, teen tours or college. I love finding my old friends so if you think you know me, email me!
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Dixie Chicks, The Beatles
Welcome to the dollhouse, goonies... I never remember the names of movies and I always fall asleep.
30 Minute Meals with Rachael Ray
The O.C.
The Real World
Decorating shows
The Rachael Ray Cookbooks
Mis forMysterious
Ais forAmbitious
Ris forRich
Cis forConservative
Yis forYummy
What Does Your Name Mean?