, cinema, reading, drawing, old people, candles and aromas, naked trees, rain, fog, rivers and lakes, silence, children, little details, you may always be inspired by the little things that make life big...
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Akufen, Alexander kowalski, Apparat, Beefcake, Metope, Helios, Silversurfer,Adult, Aquasky, Klute, Kattoo, Nautilis, Tiga, Goldfrapp, Console, Skinny Puppy, Gimmik, Luomo, Superpitcher...Metro decay, Aerial FX, A flock of seagulls, Sound, B movie, Silke Bischoff, Tones on tail... Project Pitchfork, Front 242, Coil...
Maurice Blanchot - L'espace litteraire, Stanislav Liem - Solaris, Tim Burton - The melancholy death of oyster boy and other stories, Marw Vamvounaki - H monaksia einai apo xwma,and I also love Taschen's books