K e e K profile picture

K e e K

I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm a Keek, I'll explain. Keeks dislike a lot of things but mostly people. They also have an overwhelming fear of failure interacting with those perceived to be more adequate which is defended against thru avoidance. They cause chemical reactions without themselves being consumed in the reaction. They hold no grudges against anyone. Showering is considerable. They like watching people get stripped of their deceptive,artificial personalities and finally becoming themselves through anger. They are what some would say impulsive or just plain bored searching for something. They love Alcohol, Musik, Chelsea Handler, New Jersey, Writing immature fragments of sentences in note books, Shitty carnivals with the anticipation of the welding on the ferris wheel, Everything and anything with hot sauce, Amanda Palmer, SNES, The Phillies, Opportunities to be considered even more immature and irresponsible, Boston bars and buildings, Irish car bombs, Noah Wyle and Empty boardwalks and streets. We are a rare species adapted to living on land, freshwater, or in the ocean.NEW screen name [email protected]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Chelsea Handler, Sarah Silverman, Mo Collins and Leah Remini hanging out at a bar talking about shadoobies, boobies, blunts, sluts and shots. LOORRRRAAAIIINEEEE!!!!

My Blog

Keek aleek

Keek aleek will never grow up, and nor would we ever want her to. It is Keek's ability to be innocently fun-loving and childlike that makes her so endearing. Keek aleek is extremely clever and sophist...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 15:05:00 GMT

Vegas Trip

Stayed at Circus Circus where Fear and Loathing was filmed and went to the spinning carousel bar that johnny depp was at Went to the Stratosphere and rode really scary rides off the top of the buildin...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:23:00 GMT