We Can Do Better- Hope is on the Way
John Kerry , the Democratic nominee for president, plans to restore world respect for America and
to renew the American dream for millions of Americans. He endeavors to unite America once more overriding the devisiveness the current administration has tried to instill in a bipartisan nation, when he says "some just see us divided into red and blue states (Democrat and Republican), but I see us as one America- red, white, and blue." He shares an incredibly optimistic outlook of what America can achieve if we unite as one and continue looking for ways to improve our great nation.
John Kerry has a strong military background that will assist him in the war in Iraq, and he understands the importance
of making sure that a president tries everything possible to resolve the situation before putting soldier's lives on the line. Kerry seeks to bring back truth and credibility to the government, and he emphasizes the importance of making sure the intelligence provided is accurate before making decisions like going to war. He also believes that a way to prevent wars such as the one in Iraq is to decrease dependency on Middle East oil so that we become an "America that relies on its own ingenuity and innovation-not the Saudi royal family." He also intends to end the "back door draft", which Bush currently uses to send people from the National Guard and reserves to Iraq. Overall, Kerry's philosophy on war is that "the U.S. never goes to war because we want to; we only go to war because we have to."
John Kerry , is also tough on terrorism and international relations. He realizes that the threat of terrorism is a global phenomenon and that we require the assistance of our allies if we intend to succeed in defeating it. He wants the global community to look up to America not just fear us. The message he sends to the terrorists is clear:"The future does not belong to fear, it belongs to freedom."
John Kerry , has an economic plan to put America back on track. In this plan, Kerry plans to:
Revitalize manufacturing
Invest in technology and innovation
Close tax loopholes for outsourcing
Cut the deficit in half
Roll back tax cut for wealthiest 1%
Not raise taxes for the middle class
John Kerry , believes that those who talk about family values should "start valuing familes." He does this through his emphasis on the importance of education, health care, and the environment. In health care, he plans to crack down on the waste, greed and abuse that are prevalent in the industry. He also will allow patients to pick their own doctors and encourage less expensive prescription medicine by allowing imports from other countries like Canada. He would also encourages the use of stem cell research.
I encourage you to check out some of my links to learn more, and if you like what Kerry has to say get involved! You can volunteer or donate money to the campaign through my handy dandy link below, or just register to vote and let your voice be heard!
Vote For John Kerry!
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