I want to meet anyone who won't judge a book by its cover. I want to meet someone who is not materialistic and can be comfortable doing whatever we happen to be doing. Someone to laugh and cry with. Yes i said that! Someone to love me through all my faults i might have, cause everyone has them, and i have made some i'm learning to get over. The person that will let me learn from my mistakes and grow with me to become stronger in our relationship. I do think tattoos are extremely sexy on girls but i am by no means limited to that. Someone that has the guts to step out from there norm, and take a chance on something they might not always think would be the choice or person they were expecting. It just might surprise you! Anyone for new friendships or whatever comes. I could always use new friends.If you are my friend or a newly added one actually stop in and say hi! What could it hurt. Anyone for new friendships or whatever comes. I could always use new friends. Feel free to always say hi!