id like to meet anyone who loves the beatles.
the beatles, weezer, all-american rejects, house music, pink floyd, doors, green day, 50 centS, ying-yang twins, rihanna, 80s, nirvana, weird al, the fire, the misunderstood, for helen (too bad they broke up), ravi shankar, anoushka shankar, and basically anything that sounds good i will listen to.
a hard days night, help!, yellow submarine, magical mystery tour, anything monty python, rock horror picture show, back to tthe future trilogy, american pie trilogy, all those stoner movies, vanilla sky, beavis and butthead do america, goonies, labrynth, casino, 12 angry men, freshmen fannies ..2, barely legal ..26, he-man she-ra: secret of the sword, weekend at bernies, airplane, 8 miles,
whose line is it anyway, cartoons
harry potter, and comic books, x-men, marvel
the knome, john lennon, the makers of AIM and the internet,