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Princessa Portuguesa

About Me

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Hey this is Jenn and I am from Cambridge (been living in Cambridge since I was 8 years old.....use to live in Somerville,Ma) I am 23 and I work at CVS as a shift supervisor and Blockbuster as a shift manager.I will be going to school for E.M.T/Paramedic in a couple of months at Northeastern University. I am 100% Portuguese and damn HAPPY!!! I HAVE THE BEST CAR IN THE WORLD WHICH IS MY BABY.........2004 MAZDA 6i which I love to death and bought it brand new right off the lot.......Rochelle U know U want it (my car)...JK!! We have to get u a car soon!!!! I love to hang out with my best friends, you guys know who u are!!!!!!! Rochelle (my best friend in the whole world) I wouldn't know what I would do without ya!! U are always there 4 me!!!!!!!Linda another best friend, you are the one that would always cheer me when I would be sad!! If you wanna know more about me just ask...Jennifer
Jis forJoyful
Eis forEarnest
Nis forNervy
Nis forNeat
Iis forInsane
Fis forFabulous
Eis forEnlightened
Ris forRare What Does Your Name Mean?..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
*~* ABOUT ME *~*
What day did you complete this?: Thursday
Name?: Jennifer
Screen Name(s)?: Itjustbme1983
Birthdate?: 2/16/83
Birthplace?: Cambridge, Ma
Current Location?: Cambridge, Ma
Ethnicity?: Portuguese
Thought when you first wake up?: I don't wanna go to work!
Time you go to bed?: Anytime between 12 am and 2 am
First job?: New England Aquarium
Current job?: CVS
First Car?: 1999 Jeep Grand Cherokee
Current Car?: 2004 Mazda 6
Most missed memory?: Rindge
First tattoo? (when & where): Not yet...but soon
First piercing? (when & where): On ears when I was only 1 month old
Age you were first kissed?: 12
Are you married? Girlfriend/boyfriend?: No/Im engaged
Anniversary date?: 6/10
Kids? What are their ages?: None
Righty or lefty?: Righty
Been in love?: Yep
Been dumped?: Yep but it was for the best
Been beaten up?: Nope
Shoplifted?: Yea when I was younger
Smoked?: Nope
Drank?: Yea
Stayed up all night?: Can't do it
Ditched School?: I skipped classes
Ran away from home?: No
Color?: Blue and pink
Number?: 25
Food?: Chinese
Drink?: Water
Candy?: Anything sour
Movie?: Silent Hill
TV Show?: Grey's Anotomy
Store?: Old Navy
Restaurant?: Texas Roadhouse
Place?: My house
Type of Music?: Trance
Dog?: Golden retriever
Book?: None
Day of the Week?: Friday
Flower?: Rose
Holiday?: LOL my birthday
Game?: Dunno
Perfume/Cologne?: Amber Romance by Victoria Secrets
Say "hi" to you?: Carlos
Tell you "I Love You": Robert
Kiss you?: Robert
Hug you?: Robert
Call your cell phone?:
Buy you something?: Robert
Kiss or hug?: It depends
Laugh or cry?: Laugh
City or country?: City
Coke or pepsi?: Coke
Sunny or rainy?: Sunny
Family or friends?: BOTH
Boys or girls?: BOTH
Love or money?: Money
Fantasy or reality?: Reality
Day or night?: Night
Cats or dogs?: Cats
Indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors
Chocolate or vanilla?: Chocolate
Cappucino or coffee?: None
Do you have patience?: F*ck NO
Do you have secrets?: Yea
Do you hate yourself?: Nope
Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes
Do you have bad habits?: Yes
Your biggest fear?: Car accidents
Can you sing?: I was told that I can
Are you a loner?: Nope
Number 1 priority in life?: My family
Greatest strength?: Ohh I dunno
Weakness?: CUTE GUYS
Emotionally strong?: Not really
Regrets in life?: Yep
Has life been good to you so far?: Now it's better then what it was like b4
DO YOU.....
Believe in miracles?: Yep
Believe in astrology?: Somewhat
Believe in luck?: Nooooo
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Believe in magic?: Kinda
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: Yea
Believe in soulmates?: No
Believe you are loved?: OH YES
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What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 17%

Kissing Skill Level - 72%

Cudding Skill Level - 87%

Sex Skill Level - 91%

Why They Love You You keep going and going and going...
Why They Hate You You kiss better than them.

This fun quiz by lady_wintermoon - Taken 4251444 Times. New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes
You're an Passionate Kisser
For you, kissing is about all about following your urges
If someone's hot, you'll go in for the kiss - end of story
You can keep any relationship hot with your steamy kisses
A total spark plug - your kisses are bound to get you in trouble What Kind of Kisser Are You?

About You....
How old are you?: 23
How old do you act?: 18
Eye Color?: Brown
Hair Color?: Brown with blonde highlites
What School do you go to?: I WENT to CRLS
Grade?: Not in school
Height?: 5'7
Nicknames?: Jenn, Booboolillyboo, Mazda6gurl
Birthday?: 2/16
Righty or Lefty?: Righty
Who do you live with?: My mom, dad and my brother
Play any sports?: Nah
Your Favorite..
Color?: Blue and pink
Type of music?: Everything except for country
Ice Cream Flavor?: Birthday
Website?: Myspace
Song?: Where'd you go by Fort Minor
Sport?: Baseball
Movie?: Silent Hill
T.V show?: Grey's Anotomy and Winter Sonata
Actress: None
City?: Boston
Radio Station?: Kiss 108
Food?: Chinese
Non alcholic drink?: Vitamin Water
Alcholic drink?: Too
Animal?: Tiger
State?: Florida
Football Team?: Patriots
Baseball team?: Red Sox
Basketball Team?: Celtics
Season?: Spring
Fruit?: Strawberries
Vegetable?: None
Pizza Topping?: Pepperoni
Car?: 2005 Mazda 6 and 2005 Acura TL
Magazine?: Cosmo
Book?: None
Number?: 25
Person?: I have more then 1 favorite person!
Ipod?: I what ONE!!
Gum?: Peppermint Icebreakers
Restarunt?: Texas Roadhouse
Fast Food Restraunt?: McDonalds
Style of Dance?: Dancey
Have you ever..
Stolen a Car?: GOD NOOO
Got a Detention?: Yes
Suspention?: Nope
Been Beaten up?: Nope
Beaten someone up?: Nope
Kissed 3 people in one night?: Nope
Shoplifted?: Yea when I was like 12
Drank?: Yea
Smoked?: Nope
Lied to the one you love?: Yes
Snuck out?: Nope
Had sex?: ; )
Did something bad with one of your friends?: Nope
Gotten fired?: Nope
Gotten someone else fired?: Nope
Been on T.V?: Yea
The radio?: No
Dyed your hair?: Yes
Did a cartwheel?: Nope
Went to a professional basketball game?: Yes
Been out in a trash-can?: No
Had a whip-cream fight?: No
Egged someone?: No
Did something with the same sex?: NO
Skinned dipped?: No
Been dumped?: Yes, but it was a GOOD thing
Cheated on someone?: Yes
Been cheated on?: Yes of course
Loved someone?: Yep
Shot a Gun?: Nope
Played Frisbee?: Yes
Had a pet Snake?: No
Mooned someone?: No
Flashed someone?: Yea
Did something spontanious to prove a point?: Yea
Eaten 20 hot dogs in a day?: NASTY....NO
Not eaten for a week?: No
Laughed so hard you cried?: YES
Writen a song?: Nope
Went out with your friends ex bf/gf?: NO
Went bowling, putt putting, to the movies, and the zoo in one night?: No
Cheated on a test?: Yes
Failed a grade?: Nope
Went to a Cafe?: Yes
Sang in public?: Yes
Sat on your roof?: Yep
Fell down the stairs?: Yes
Slid down a banister?: Yea
Cussed at a teacher?: Nope
Spray Pained private property?: Nope
Trepassed?: Nope
Killed a squirrel?: No
Madeout with someone on the 1st date?: YESSSS
Played EXTREME Truth or Dare?: YESS
Went to 3 partys in one night?: Nope
Tried to save someones life?: Yes
Seen a shark?: Yes....I did work at the New England Aquarium
Swam with a dolphin?: I want to!!
Went to DisneyWorld?: Yes
Told a secret you said you wouldnt?: Yes
Told someone you really loved, you hated them?: Yes
Gone out with the same person more than 10 times?: Yes
Been kicked out of the movie theater?: Nope
Read a book in one night?: Yes
Asked a stranger to hold your hand?: No
Went shopping for lightswitches?:
Spent more than 3000$ in one day?: No
Told someone you loved them.. but you really didnt?: Yea
Spyed on your next door neighbor?: Yes....right now I have some HOTT neighbors living next to me!!
Walked 4 dogs at a time?: No
Gave a cat a bath?:
Not showered for a week?: GOD NO
Went to a summer camp?: Nopee
Wished on stars?: Yes
Pee'd your pants.. after 6 years old?: Nope
Put gum in someones hair?: Yes
Cut someones hair off?: Yes
Played Dressup?: Yes
Dressed in the opposite sex's clothes?: Nope
Tried to fondol a manicuine?: WTF!!
Bought jeans 2 sizes to small for you?: Nope
Spent 100$ dollars on someone other than yourself?: Yep
Had a crush on a teacher?: Yep
This or That?
Apples or Oranges?: Oranges
Hugs or Kisses?: It depends
T.V or Computer?: Computer
Myspace or live journal?: Myspace
Cats or Dogs?: Cats
City or Counry?: City
Rebulican or Democrat?: None
Clothes or No clothes?: Clothes
Boys or Girls?: Cute men
Choclate or Vannila?: Chocolate
Black or White?: Both
60's or 70's?: Um ok
Basketball or Football?: Basketball
Hamburgers or Hotdogs?: Hamburgers
New York or Sacremento?: Sacramento
Valentines or Easter?: Easter.....NO WORK!!
Boxers or Briefs?: On a man, BOXERS
Jeans or Skirts?: Jeans
Brunnettes or Blondes?: Brunnettes
Mom or Dad?: Both
Truth or Dare?: Truth
Cheese or Pepperoni?: Pepperoni
Starburst or Skittles?: Starburst
Hot or Cold?: Hot
Summer or Winter?: Summer
Showers or Baths?: Showers
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
Love or Money?: Money
Morning or Night?: Night
Sunset or Sunrise?: Sunset
Convertables or Trucks?: Convertables
Pans or Eggs?: Pans
Pink or Green?: Pink
Flip Phones or Slide Phones?: Flip Phone
Ketchup or Mustard?: It depends
Paper or Plastic?: Paper..cuz then u got no BILLS to pay..LOL
English or History?: History
Kickball or Dodgeball?: Dodgeball
Holding hands or Cuddling?: Cuddling
Hollister or Abercrombie?: None
Wal-Mart or Target?: Wal-Mart
AOL or Yahoo?: AOL
Purses or Wallets?: Purses
Pens or Pencils?: Pens
Kangaroos or Monkeys?: LOL
Carpet or Tile?: Carpet
Hand Soap or Liquid Soap: Liquid Soap
Christmas or Hannuka?: X-mas
Crazy or Cool?: Cool
Quizes or Surveys?: Surveys
Your Friends
Best?: Rochelle, Linda and Sabrina
Nicest?: All of the them
Preppiest?: None
Sweetest?: Linda
Best to talk to?: Rochelle
Funniest?: Rochelle
Prettiest?: All of them
Most Caring?: All of them
Most Popular?: All of them
Most Giving?: Rochelle
Favorite Thing to do with them?: Go out and scope out HOTT men...JK
Favorite Inside Joke?: I dunno
Favorite Memory?: Rindge
Craziest thing you did with them?: Too many things
Stupidest thing you fought over?: People at work
Hang out spot?: Burlington mall
1st Times..
Kiss?: Luis
Word?: I don't know
Date?: I don't remember
Bf/Gf?: When I was 12
School?: Brown School in Somerville
Best friend?: Stephanie
Vacation?: Portugal
Town you lived in?: Somerville
Drove?: When I was 19
Teacher?: I don't remember
Memory?: Too many
Bad Grade?: Umm
Smoked?: Nope
Drank?: 18
Had Sex?: 18
In a boy or girl..
Hair Color?: Brown/Black
Dressing Style?: Casual
Eye Color?: Brown
Weight?: Does not matter
Height?: 5'10-6'0
Sweet or Funny?: Both
Hot or Smart?: Hot
Popular or a few close friends?: Does not matter
Someone you can talk to ?: Yea
Single dates or Group?: It depends
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Jeesh um I love everything except for country..... i have over 200 cds in my
Your Backstreet Profile by micollef_ninja_06
Your Favorite Instrument
Your BSB Song Match Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely
Your Favorite BSB cd
Your BSB Tour Never Gone (Starts this July...I think)
Your Backstreet Boy Match

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You know your Portuguese when........

* Your mother or grandmother has Maria in her name. *You have a rooster napkin holder.* Your father or grandfather is called Manuel, Jos, Antonio, or Joo.* You have crocheted doilies on...
Posted by Jennifer on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 11:41:00 PST