Member Since: 25/11/2007
Band Members:
I have always asked myself, regarding to express myself about this 'delicated' Theme... CUBAN ARTISTs living abroad, WHY there's no support to them, they all have great talent, it is har for us already being in a foreign country to start all from zero, but it is more complicated than that, very often people that I meet asked me: WHEN YOU GONNA MAKE A NEW 'CD', I say to myself, if I could, I would make one album per year... people and Fans they ignore that we have to fight to be here, to bring something new, it is hard and expensive, then we have to find a way to put it in the market, that's the hardest pain... To make a speech in here will never be enough, there's one thing you all can do for our community, for each Artist/singer/Group in the blue planet, if you love what they do, what we do, please, come to us, take with you the best we can do: Our Music, I prefer to be sincere with my Fans, to have with all of you a close/tight chat, if we put a wall between us, it'll mean that we have lost the main point... Some people may think that I do wrong talking this way, well, this is me, I do prefer to say what I think... Am I wrong telling you that you gonna like my album? This new CD is my little baby, I just would you to meet him... EN ESTE PUEBLO talks about differences, about love, about what we are facing day by day today, I come from a musical country where Pop-Rock is not yet a fluent offer, if you gonna wait to make a pirate copy, then you would be killing my work and killing myself and my effort, if you don't buy what we bring you, what we propose you, we are lost... when anyone think about cuban music they never find out that we can make good Rock being cuban (in the same way they can make there the best TIMBA of the world) This is another point not easy for me to face when I just say that I come from that little Caribbean Island, May I introduce myself, I am '''TANYA''', I make & play *Rock Music* and I make it for you all!!!
PS: Sres 'Fans' de TANYA, el nuevo CD: '''En este Pueblo''' es una verdadera ***Joya***, todos los temas estan buenisimos, pero TODOS, todos, caballero hay que comprarlo y no esperar a que alguien les haga una copia pirata para no pagarlo, porque con ello estaran matando al artista, nuestra TANYA ha apostado con una oferta nueva al nivel de lo que su talento y su valor saben generar, una produccion de este calibre no merita menos que un repaldo nuestro, un disco desde que se consive hasta que se comienza a orquestar cuesta gotas de sudor, de sangre, de romperse la cabeza buscando apoyo ($$$) cuando se saca al mercado, si Uds no lo compran el artista pierde credibilidad ya que lamentablemente las casas disqueras invierten solamente en aquellos que venden, para que los artistas de talento puedan continuar haciendo cosas, ofreciendonos su labor, la unica manera de apoyarlos es yendo a sus conciertos y repletando los lugares donde se presentan, comprando sus discos, eso les da el prestigio que muchos pretenden opacar... admirar a TANYA no es solamente decir __ me gusta TANYA ... no la podemos abandonar si decimos que la amamos, hay que comprar su disco (aqui mismo arriba esta el Web Oficial donde lo pueden adquirir y del que les traigo un Medley que recien he hecho), no piensen mal si les hablo de esta manera, con mi gente, cara a cara, sere sincera siempre, diré siempre lo que pienso, esa es la unica manera de que todos nuestros artistas sean reconocidos y respetados (perdonen la lata)
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Record Label: Unsigned