philosophy, which covers everything; however, i like to list, so, in no particular order: quotes, lapis lazuli, tarot cards,junkyards, cactus cooler shots,pomegranates, mythology (esp. indian, greek, roman), menthols, personalized belts you purchase at the county fair, trivia, james dean, skeeball, metropolitan transportaion, fresh water swimming, water socks and ninja tabis, raccoons, sculpture, devil's lettuce, ferret calendars, jewelery that contains bugs in plasic/amber, bug-eyed earl, loathing the ny yankees, planetariums, car bombs, conspiracy theories, six degrees of kevin bacon, horses, things
bill murray, zach galifianakis, adam drucker, vincent d'onofrio, tim roth, janeane garofalo, amy and dave sedaris (my dream job would be as one of the two's pa...),
infinite, try again later...if you fill this area out, a bunch of shite bands ask you to be they're friend 'cause for some inexplicable reason, they think they honestly sound like artists that are far superior than they...i'm over it
see: music
the state, the office, law & order, reno 911, the young ones, flying circus, extras, city confidential, danger mouse, count duckula, six feet under flight of the conchords, press your luck, dave & conan & larry, etc
east of eden, zen flesh zen bones, wiseblood, a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, wired, shadowland, lone wolf and cub, no exit, america day by day, anything by david sedaris, wigfield,
w. tim cronin