I am (or will be) a digital album, does that mean I won't be avalible on physical CD's: no, I will be avalible at all Project Benefit events, but my main distribution will be the digital format (itunes and mp3 outlets).I will be a the 2nd in the Notes & Hopes series from Project Benefit and the 1st theme album focusing on the stages of grief: anger, that means I will be full of loud, fast, heavy, angry music.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
any musician who would like to submit a song
My Blog
indielove radio
Today between 3 - 5 I will be doing another interview on indielove.ca I will be talking abit about the 1st year of Notes & Hopes and also mentioning a few surpizes. so make sure you list... Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 10:18:00 GMT