Arizona Earth Boy profile picture

Arizona Earth Boy

About Me

Making a Diffrence by Protecting Your Home and Our Planet

Creating Healthier Lives and a Safer Planet
Do Your Part, be Part of the Solution in Creating a Better World.
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Toxic Dangers:
Cleaning products are supposed to make you feel safe by getting those germs off the kitchen counter and cleaning all the grime and dirt from the bathroom. However, many people are unaware of the fact that despite their best efforts to keep their house clean and safe, many popular cleaning products may do more harm then good, to your health and to our earth’s ecosystem and environment. <
Now, if you could do just one simple thing to make a difference in the race to stop global warming and clean up the Earth - would you do it? If you could make one change in your household to eliminate dangerous and hazardous toxins to create a healthier environment for you and your family - would you do it? And what if by making that simple change, you could elimate 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills, eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas, and do the environmental equivalent of planting 10 trees, all while saving yourself a great deal of money - would you make that change?
An Alarming Report on Home Toxic Cleaning Products

About Me:

I believe it is essential to build a rapport with future partners in this humanitarian effort. Therefore, throughout this myspace profile, a disclosure of my personal lifestyle and values can be found – with the hopes of establishing a bridge (rapport) that can overcome the breach (e.g., distance, not know me, and mistrust, lost contact with me, etc.). You will also read a lot of my personal poetry and/or some of my favorite poems and sayings
For starters, I created this myspace account to build a professional network for my entrepreneur business. This has allowed me to help others build residual health and wellness, and preserve the earth in the process.
A little about me, I grew up in Tucson, Arizona. Although I spent a few years living in Anaheim California, I now live in Phoenix Arizona. The bad part is I can't take the heat - and I crave natures green.
Although, I have completed a few degrees in various professional fields (e.g., receiving my degrees in account and computer networking), I ultimately found my niche while returning back to school and receiving a degree in psychology. At the present time, as a grad-student, I am in my final year in a Masters in Family, Marriage, and Child Therapy. I hope to someday work private practice as a marriage and family therapist (LMFT) and continue my schooling, in clinical psychology (Ph.D.), to eventually fulfill the requirements for licensure as a psychologist.
Currently, I am working in the field with families, couples, and the SMI (Severely mentally ill) population. Although my work is fulfilling, at times it is emotional exhausting.
Small Wonder Baby Care, Safe for Your Baby

I enjoy my line of work, since I'm able to receive the gratification of helping people. Nevertheless, I have other interest and hobbies. Thus, I have invested time and effort into an awesome "green" business opportunity... that allows me to provide health and income opportunities to people all over the world, and do my part in saving our planet.
On the other hand, I enjoy creating web-pages. This has allowed me to create an online "green" health & wellness business, which has allows me to express my web-creativity and my desire to help others live a healthier life, while protecting our plant.
Moreover, I would never get involved in anything that does not reside with my values and believes. Fortunately, the organization I am involved with, Shaklee, has a long environmental heritage, and continues to grow as a giant in the care and protection of our planet. I love that the organization has been trust-worthy and honest. And, not only are they pioneers in improving people's health and wellness, their ethics and practices show they care about saving our planet. An example of the later is the fact that Shaklee is the first company in the world to be Climate Neutral; certified to fully offset its Co2 emissions, resulting in a net-zero impact on the environment. Plus, Shaklee plants five trees for every distributor that joins as a Gold Ambassador. In addition, the cleaning products are 100% biodegradable and safe to you, your family, your pets, and our planet.
More important, besides the integrity of the company, they provide the highest quality of products on the market, and have invested millions of dollars to empirically prove it -
Nonetheless, I also have aspirations outside of the professional setting. For example, some of my dreams are to explore the 7 wonders of the world. Backpack around the globe; maybe sail the seven seas – if I don’t get sea-sick.

Healthy Cleaning ServicesEco Green Maid Cleaning Services has Been Supporting Our Efforts in Caring for Our Planet

Healthy Cleaning Services in Tucson Arizona ~ Keeping our Families and Earth Safe from Harms-way

EaRtHlY GrEeN: ArIzOnA ShAkLeE DiStRiBuToR
Natural Health Products
Beyound Organic

All Natural Health Products Nutrition
- 15 % discount for members
- Beyond Organic Nutritional Supplements
- Bio-non-toxic Home Care Products
- Weight Management
- Nature Skin Care
- Water Filters
- Air Purification
- Income Opportunity
- Online Catalog
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Favorite Quotes

"There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness"

"I think therefore I am" - Rene Descartes - Is this Cartesian dualist? No, in my opinion, this means that out of consciousness we are created - "nerve cells create thoughts, this may be true, but it is just as true to say that thinking creates nerve cells" (Chapora, 1989, p. 26-27)

"For the righteous one may fall even seven times, and he will certainly get up, but the wicked one will be made to stummble by calamity"
--Proverbs 24:16--
"Don't Fall In Love With Someone You Can Live With, Fall In Love With Someone You Can't Live Without..."

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind." (William Shakespeare's in a Midsummer Night's Dream)

"When one attains the release called the Beautiful, at such a time he knows in truth what Beauty is" (Gautama...)

"Life without a friend is death without a witness." (Spanish Proverb)

The distance between us, although, torments my soul (my life sustaining substance), builds anticipation and profound fondness in my heart. I can only "show a waiting attitude." - Lamentations 3:21 – For “love is long-suffering and kind… it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" – 1 Corinthians 13: 4-7

In the end, “I always thank my God when I make mention of you in my prayers” – Philemon 4

"Love Starts With A Smile... Grows With a Kiss... And Ends With Tears"

"It is one thing to show a man he is in error, and another to put him in posession of the truth" - John Locke

"Happy is he who has overcome his ego...who has attained peace...who has found the truth" - Gautama -"Beauty in things exists in the mind which contemplates them" David Hume....

"Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."

Stay At Home Parents, Earn Income By Helping Others LIve Healthier, Better, and More Independent Lives

Entrepreneur Income Opportunity
Financial Freedom

If you have ever wanted to…

- Become Financially Independent
- Earn Extra Income
- Build Your Own Entrepreneur Business
- Earn Residual Income
- Live Debt-Free
- Control Your Own Destiny
- Work-At-Home
- Spend More Time With Your Family
- Travel and Enjoy Life
- Enjoy Your Work and Live a Healthier Life
- Contribute in Protecting & Saving Our Earth

Then we have the right opportunity for You.

Join Our Team of Expert and Specialized Consultants/Trainters
Learn more about us at our website
For more details visit us online, at:

Build a million dollor company as a global network marketing entrepreneur, and feel good helping others keep healthy and safe, and preserve our planet. Visit us, for more information at our webpage:

For more Parents - Visit Project MAHMA: is a coalition of families across North America who stay home with their kids and earn income by helping others live healthier, beter, and more independent lives

Click Here, for more information

Or for more information email us at: [email protected]

My Blog

Health & Wellness and Income Opportunity Videos/Audios

 Learn, Grow, and Succeed through the education provided by experts and leaders in the field of Health & Wellness and Network Marketing. The educational information provided by KeyToBetterLiv...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 22:49:00 GMT

Laboratory Compares Vivix vs MonaVie Active

Laboratory Studies Prove Vivix is More Powerful then MonaVie Active     Third-party laboratory clinical studies have proven Vivix to be more powerful, beneficial, higher in antioxidants, ox...
Posted by on Sat, 01 Nov 2008 21:02:00 GMT

New Medical Breakthrough: Living Longer is Now Possible!

Do you think it's possible to feel 25 years younger and live 25 years longer? Rejuvenate and Live Longer: Dr. David Sinclair and other researchers at the National Institute on Aging, at Harvard, have ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 08:08:00 GMT

Join Our Free Eco-Health Support Group

  Join Our Free Eco-Health Support Group   Join Our Eco-Health Support Group, Eco-Health Newsletter, and/or ask for a Free Product Sample     Shaklee Health Support Group Web-a...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 14:33:00 GMT

Toxic Chemical Exposure in Schools: Our Children at Risk

Toxic Chemical Exposure in Schools: Our Children At Risk EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Each day, students, teachers and staff are exposed to toxic chemicals in schools. Pollutants such as benzene, lead, formal...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 18:37:00 GMT

Check out this event: Watch The Oprah Winfrey Show, Friday Jan. 4, 2008

Hosted By: Thomas AubreyWhen: Friday Jan 04, 2008 at 3:00 PMWhere: KTVK  Channel 3 (Phoenix, AZ)www.earthlygreen.orgPhoenix, Arizona|3 85029United StatesDescription:Thomas Aubrey Click Here To View E...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 18:26:00 GMT

Research Study on Long-term Users of Shaklee Supplements

Analysis of usage patterns, health, and nutritional status of long-term multiple dietary supplement users of Shaklee supplements: Click here to read   To learn more about our products:  &...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 17:27:00 GMT

Learn more about how your home might be harming your health

Watch a video of Oprah's show, a link is found on my site, about products you might be using that are harmful to you and your family.   http://www.ear...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 13:40:00 GMT

Natural Health, Wellness, & Beauty Products

Earthly GreeN Natural Health Products Beyound Organic     All Natural Health Products Nutrition v       15 % discount for members v     ...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 13:39:00 GMT