Making Sure my Son is Straight and Healthy,Looking for Rare Albums, Collecting Kicks, and Hats. Hanging Out with my Homies...Sup C.Brown.,Making Beats...Looking at God's Creations, Building Computers, Selling Things, Clothes, Real Estate, Watching, and Talking to Beautiful Women. Radio Control Cars, Old School Muscle Cars.
I like to meet thinkers, movers, and shakers, and people who want to do something with their lives versus taking people's value, and energy, if you are for the bullshit, drama, and want me to save you, I advise you to exit stage right, get in your vehicle, and PUT THAT BULLSHIT IN YOUR POCKET, and Move On!!!!!! and I don't want to be around any selfish ass people....Pitch in on the situation.
I'm a Music Fanatic....Plus I produce so I'm open to all geners of music. Every song has a story or a point to
Comedies, Mystery, Action, Drama, Documentaries, Anamation., Gangsta Flicks, SCi - Fi.....Dumb and Dumber, Seven, Pulp Fiction, Diary of a Mad Black Woman,Farienhiet 911, and Bush Still Won. The Incredibles...Did you see Mrs Incredible...Damn...Pixar is the Sh!.. ,Menace II Society Good Fellas Boyz In The Hood Casino, STAR WARS...Nuff Said.
Alias..Jennifer..There is a Black Man waiting 4 You, Simpson..All Ways a Classic, Family Guy, The Chapelle Show....I'm Rick James B!..CH is always a Classic Line, Extreme Home Make Over, Overhauled, The Food Network fast food suck so I have to learn something to impress the ladies, and feed my belly, History Channel, The Disney Channel my Son Forces me to watch it, All Reruns of the Past T.V. Shows.
Malcolm X, Monster, The Purpose of Life, The Bible form time to time. I would add more when I'm not busy. Too Many College Books.
GOD, and Black Men, and Women Whom Struggled for Freedom...I feel there is no Explanation on that