TEXT 61503
CALL 919.860.1051
only request once a day, multiple requests seem desperate but consistent daily requests will get the job done :)
I'm Kelsey. Don't be shy because i'm not...well in person maybe but on here not one bit. Be sure and comment me and message me. I love to talk about anything...esp music ;) if you ever need any advice, I know sometimes it's easier to open up to a complete stranger than your friends. I can keep secrets and love to help out.
Okay so about Push Play
1. they are a band
2. they are amazing
3. if you demand them they will return to north carolina
4. if you comment them chances are they will reply, the love to talk to fans
5. if you have any questions about the band or this site simply ask me
**warning their music is addicting and you will be singing the songs for days on end** but who is complaining...i surly aren't :)
most importantly tell your friends about Push Play..share the love :)you want PUSH PLAY to come to your area??Demand it! Be sure to tell your friends to do the same because they will be basing their next tour off the highest demanded states! Just press the Demand it button and type in your zip code and your good to go!
View the complete Push Play tour schedule