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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

4/6/09 It's now been five and a half years since my wife, Moon, died suddenly right before my eyes...gone in less than two minutes. Then losing two kids to utter self-destruction...It's hard to believe I'm still alive!The move back to Iowa was certainly the best situation for Rachel as she's flourishing in so many things; my Trumpet playing is so remarkably different now than it was even three years ago, all of it for the better...thank God. Getting out from "under the shadows" was absolutely necessary for ME to survive..."With some of the friends you have, you don't need enemies"...I've had a setback with the Post Traumatic Stress thing but I'll make it somehow.I finally decided to try and get around without the *#@$*^* cane as it's not THAT big of a stretch to go from my knees killing me 80% of the time to 100%...oye. It's going to be a looong time...This is a letter from a former student and now close, life-long friend from my MIDDLE SCHOOL CHOIR DIRECTOR days!!(2002-03) It's a pretty fair window into me, so my kids, colleagues, and students tell me..."Eighth grade was the worst year of my life; A close friend landed himself in jail, too many friends contemplated suicide, and all the while I was left lost and confused. There was one person who got me through that year, even with the death of his wife. Doug Huey, my friend, teacher, and hero has made me the person I am today.As my school year began, I was excited to be in my last year of middle school, looking forward to high school. I tried out for our "Select" choir and soon met Mr. Doug Huey, the new choir teacher. Quickly his room became my safe haven. During my lunches and study halls, I would go straight to his office to see him and his wonderful wife, Rena', who was often there helping. She was a kind woman that understood me inside and out. Things seemed great until disaster struck.Throughout the year I found myself falling apart, along with quite a few of my friends. I began to know Rena' better with each new day. She always knew what to say to me. It was almost like she knew me better than I knew myself. She was not there every day, like Doug was. He was ALWAYS there and he knew how to get me to smile and forget my problems. He became my father away from home. I could tell him anything! He always seemed to know what was in my best interest. As my eighth grade year came to a close, I became afraid of losing touch with Doug, but I knew he wouldn't let that happen.Doug and I kept in touch through e-mail; every couple of days I would see him after school in the band room giving music lessons. To see his smiling face was the best part of my day. Then, on October 12, 2003, Rena' passed away at the age of 43 due to a heart attack. I have no idea how Doug got through that ordeal. I just remember how hard it was for me to lose this amazing woman who seemed to know everything. Doug had lost so much, but even after such a loss, he was still there for me whenever I needed him. He always checked up on me to make sure that I was doing all right, even if it he was not. Doug is an amazing man that puts his children and friends before himself.All in all, what it comes down to is the fact that Doug Huey has had such an influence on me that I would not be who I am without him. He has taught me how to love without wanting anything in return which is so important to me now. He helped me find what I wanted most in life: to help people who cannot help themselves. I owe my life to this man who I see as my friend, hero, and even a father."

My Interests

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Lots of new friends!!!

My Blog

R.I.P. Gerry Niewood

R.I.P.   Gerry, sweet muse...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Feb 2009 15:40:00 GMT

I'm doin' alright!!! Rachel's doin' FABULOUS!!!

...ah gaht bettuh...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 23:20:00 GMT

Here's my REAL website address.... .html
Posted by on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 20:44:00 GMT

Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated...

...boldly perservering in the face of great adversity...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 20:35:00 GMT

For life...

Sieze the Carp...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Sep 2005 13:16:00 GMT