I'd like to meet:
I don't think about meeting anyone in general. I'm just here to make new friends and share life with anyone who wants to share. I'm here to support my friends, old and new and their endeavors (music, books, art, athletics,shoes and just plain insanity, unadulerated silliness & gleefulness-not marketing pyramids and schemes). I ask nothing more than friendship and respect (for God,USA,and me as a person, as well as my family-husband and son, for they are a part of me). In turn, I will respect you, your beliefs and origin. I'm pretty low maintenance as a friend. Mutual respect is important to me.Meanwhile, on a lighter note, I am a dork! What the question really IS...Do you want to meet me?
Pretty much anything other than Country Western. I hate line-dancing! Not real big on techno, either, but I will do some crazy dances when it's playing-just ask anyone that's ever seen me at the gym. Yumpin' yiminey...what about a Polka? I refuse to Roll out the Barrel. I listen to a lot of classic rock: Boston, Cars, Springsteen,(I have been enamored with this man since I was 17. Two of my favorite songs in the whole world: Thunder Road and Because the Night- Patti Smith. Ok another favorite- that has nothing to do with any of the above, is the Harry Nilsson version of Without You...dude sounds like he is in agony- I love it!...I digress..), Def Leppard (Love Bites- great song!), Heart, Joan Jett, The Offspring, Zeppelin, Judas Priest, Whitesnake, Nicks, Styx, Journey, Kansas, Alice, Cheap Trick, etc... "hair" bands, too...Love Crue. As long as there's no mullets involved( now anyway), it's all good. Thanks to my son, I appreciate groups like Avenged Sevenfold, Papa Roach, Mudvayne, As I Lay Dying, Atreyu, My Chemical Romance, Sevendust, Linkin Park and bunch of other screamin' and stuff. Thanks to Guitar Hero, he appreciates what I listen to.
I am a hopeless romatic that loves a happy ending. I really like a good laugh, too! Best movies ever: Devil wears Prada, Saving Private Ryan, Thirteen going on Thirty, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, any movie with Johnny Depp in eyeliner, once I get past the bad teeth (I kinda like good looking, but quirky, weird guys...) The original, The Shining, still scares the bejeemmies out of me...I've only seen it about a bazillion times or 2.
I live in household of men... not much TV for me. ECW does not count as entertainment. When I do get to watch, it's mostly stuff on TLC.
Dean Koontz- Just read the "Odd" series. I got "The Darkest Evening of the Year" for Christmas. It was ok- the ending was kind of sappy. Not really reading much at the moment... I have James Patterson, Nicholas Evans and more Koontz books-waiting to be read. I need to focus on other things for a bit. I'm feelin' the need to take up art again, I hope that I can still oil paint.
My Mom...Virginia Farmer. She taught me how to love unconditionally and how important it is to believe in God. She was taken from this earth as my best friend. R.I.P Mom...I cannot live in peace until the mystery is solved. I'll miss you always.