theater, music, books, art, dance, yoga, clarity, religion, meditation, subway rides, knitting, therapy, singing, seeing friends perform, walking to the river, other peoples spirituality, taking suggestions, tv night, foreign films, queer theory, baking, ibooks, journaling, reading in public, speaking french....
ani difranco, antony & the johnsons, the ark, bach, belle n sebastien, blanche, ben folds, bette, brigitte fontaine, carla bruni, cher, chopin, CocoRosie, bob dylan, damien rice, dar williams, devendra barnhart, devil makes three, dixie chicks, dolly parton, diana ross, edith piaf, elliot smith, emmylou harris, enya, erasure, folk, francoise hardy, gillian welch, gladys knight, indigo girls, jeff buckley, joan baez, joni mitchell, jose garcia, kate bush, kelly clarkson, kiki and herb, lara fabian, leoponard cohen, lorretta lynn, mama n the papas, missy, musicals, mylene farmer, natalie merchant, neko case, nina simone, queen, patricia kaas, patty griffin, pet shop boys, pink floyd, sade, scissor sisters, sinead o'connor, simon n garfunkel, smiths, stars, stevie nicks, tori amos, tracy chapman, vivaldi, yann tiersen, yo yo ma
heathers, amelie, waiting..., breakfast at tiffanys, beautiful thing, hero, beaches, girls just want to have fun, waiting for guffman, office space, brokeback mountain, in her shoes, coalminers daughter, crouching tiger, last unicorn, goonies, all about eve, empire records, private benjamin, first wives club, overboard, turning point, l'auberge espagnol, house of yes, steel magnolias, point of no return, too wong foo,
family guy, weeds, roseanne, golden girls, designing women, arrested develpment, strangers with candy, office...
Dorothy Allison, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell, Mary Renault, David Sedaris, Paolo Coelho, Michael Chabon, Augusten Borroughs, Classical Antiquity and Mythology, Art historical sutdies, theater/plays, Jamie O'Neill (at Swim Two Boys), Orson Scott Card, Roger Zelazny, Dan Brown, THe Dante Club, THe Man WHo Fell in Love with the Moon, THe Celestine Prophecy, The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying, Harry Potter, dancer from the dance, walt whitman, memoirs of a geisha, goldie hawn, way of the peaceful warrior, golden compass and his dark materials, samuel delany, line of beauty, and so on and so on.....there are too many books....
Chris and michelle (my bro and his wife)